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Understanding exports available from Manage version

You can use the Varicent Sales Planning Integrations tools to export data from related to the Manage version of your planning cycle. To do this, you need to use a Varicent Sales Planning export connection. See, Creating a Varicent Sales Planning export connection. To learn how to export data from Varicent Sales Planning, read Exporting data from Varicent Sales Planning.

Table 81. Exports available from Manage version



Data source

Columns, data types

Manage | Seller Assignment

Includes seller assignments for territories in manage mode

Seller quota sheet in Manage version


sellerName, text

sellerId, text

sellerEmail, text

territoryId, text

quotaComponentName, text

ownership, numeric

effectiveDate, date

endDate, date

Manage | Quotas Per Seller

Includes quota data summarized at the seller level.

Seller quota sheet in Mange version


sellerName, text

sellerId, text

sellerEmail, text

territoryId, text

quotaComponentName, text

timePeriod, text

ramp, text

currencyCode, text

assignedSellerQuota, numeric

september, numeric

october, numeric

november, numeric

december, numeric

january, numeric

february, numeric

march, numeric april, numeric may, numeric

june, numeric

july, numeric

august, numeric

Manage | Quotas Per Territories

Includes quota data summarized at the territory level.

Seller quota sheet in Mange version


territoryName, text

territoryId, text

battlecardName, text

territoryGroupName, text

quotaComponentName, text

timePeriod, text

currencyCode, text

startDate, date

endDate, date

seasonality, text

plannedQuota, numeric

territoryQuotaAdjustment, numeric

revisedTerritoryQuota, numeric

september, numeric

october, numeric

november, numeric

december, numeric

january, numeric

february, numeric

march, numeric

april, numeric

may, numeric

june, numeric

july, numeric

august, numeric

Manage | Account Moves

Includes data summarizing all of the account moves that have happened in the planning cycle.

Account quota grid in Manage version


battlecardName, text

territoryGroupTypeName, text

accountName, text

accountKey, text

territoryName, text


text startDate, date

endDate, date

Manage | Rule Based Assignment | Territory Rules

Similar to the other Territory Rules export, this export is specifically for the usage of ELT’s Rule Based Assignment tool, typically used for transaction stamping and crediting.

Used for Matching engine tool in ELT

ruleId, text

battlecardName, text

territoryGroupId, text

territoryId, text

effectiveDate, date

endDate, date

precedence, text

filters, text

Manage | Rule Based Assignment | Account Redirects Only

Includes account redirect data specifically in the format for the usage of ELT’s Rule Based Assignment tool, typically used for transaction stamping and crediting.

Used for Matching engine tool in ELT

accountName, text

accountKey, text

battlecardName, text

sourceTerritoryName, text

sourceTerritoryId, text

targetTerritoryName, text

targetTerritoryId, text

startDate, date

endDate, date

Manage | Quotas Below Territories | BC | QC

Exports all rows from territory drill in quota for both original accounts and redirected accounts for each BC | QC association. The value in the export file is exported by monthly period and value.


For an original account with no value for the month or where the amount is $0, we will not export the row for that period. There is a limit of 2 million rows for the file.

Revised territory quota grid in Manage version













