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Allocating quotas from the top-down

Top-down allocation allows you to plan targets and allocate quotas to each territory.

  1. On the Planning cycles home page, click the planning cycle to open.

  2. Click the Quota view.

  3. On the battle card canvas, choose a battle card, and then click Plan quotas.

  4. On the Plan targets page, click the top-level pill (representing the battle card) to allocate quota from the top-down for all territories in that battle card.


    Alternatively, you can select territory group type or territory group pills to allocate quota only to territories in that group type or group.

  5. On the Allocations pane, enter the value to allocate in the Allocate (Top-Down) field.


    Use the business target, specified at the battle card level, as a reference. This value displays on the top-level under New business target.

  6. From the Based On drop-down list, select how you want to allocate your quota:

    • Even split - allocates quota evenly across all territories

    • Prior year actual - allocates quota based on the Prior year actual built-in field.

    • Trailing 12 months - allocates quota based on the Trailing 12 months built-in field.

    • Custom field - allocates quota based on a field that you have set as a balancing metric.

  7. Enable the Preserve quota adjustments toggle if you want to preserve any quota adjustments that have already been made to the quotas. If this toggle is disabled, we'll override your quota adjustments.

  8. Enable the Preserve set-seasonality toggle if you want to preserve your previously set seasonality options. If this toggle is disabled, we'll override your existing seasonality.

  9. Click Allocate quotas.