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Scheduling account and quota moves

You can redirect your accounts and their quotas to different territories during the course of your planning cycle. You can schedule multiple moves for your accounts and assign effective dates when these moves take effect. For example, you could move Account A from Territory 1 to Territory 2 on April 1, 2025, and then move it back to Territory 1 a few months later, say on August 1, 2025. Along with this, you can move the quotas associated with the accounts and pro-rate the amount if you are moving them mid year.

  1. On the Planning cycles home page, click the planning cycle to open.

  2. Click the Manage tab to open the manage version of the planning cycle.

  3. On the battle card canvas, select the battle card that contains the accounts you want to move.

  4. In the data tray, click the Account quota tab.

  5. Click the Add icon add--alt.png at the end of the Current territory column for the account you want to schedule a move for.

  6. Select the territory you want to move the account to from the drop-down list.


    You can start typing the territory ID into the search bar to filter the list. You can also selected Unassigned if you aren't sure where to move the account. This creates a gap that you will need to address later.

  7. On the dialog, review your selected territory and change it if required.

  8. Select the start date when your account move will take effect.


    When you schedule a move, we'll automatically update the end date for the current territory. For example, if you schedule your move for April 1, 2025, the end date for the current territory that the account is included in updates to March 31, 2025.

  9. Select a Quota reallocation method. This allows you to move quotas along with with your accounts between territories. You can define how you want quota to be reallocated by choosing from two methods:


    Quota moves are available only if quotas have been set at the account level in Plan and your periodicity is set to yearly and monthly.

    • Move pro-rated quota - this allows you to move the account's quota and prorate it by date across all quota components.

    • Don't move any quota - This allows you to preserve the existing quota so that it remains in the original territory.


      • You'll not be able to change the effective date or seasonality of a territory when account redirects are active for the territory.

      • You will not be able to move quotas when moving an account to Unassigned.

      • Monthly quotas will need to have an overlap between the source and destination territories for the quotas to be reallocated.

  10. Click Schedule move.