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Build and visualize

The Build and visualize tab shows all your pipes. Pipes start as your data sources which you then run through various tools to transform and manage your data. For example, you may create a pipe to remove certain columns from your data, or add new columns that compound two previously existing columns. The data that comes out the end of the pipe is transformed to meet your needs.

Exploring the pipe builder

You can use Varicent Sales Planning's Integrations features to explore and visualize your data in new and exciting ways. One of the first things you should do is familiarize yourself with the pipe builder.

You can open the pipe builder from the Build and visualize tab by clicking an existing pipe to edit or by creating a new pipe.

Here's an overview of the pipe builder's user interface:

  1. Tasks

    The Tasks bar shows tools that aren't configured, or that are invalid. If you don't have any tasks left, your pipe is ready for a build!

  2. symon_add_icon.png Add tool

    Click this button to add tools to your pipe.


    You can also just type the name of a tool to bring up the tool menu.

  3. Build

    When you finish configuring your pipe, click Build . If there is a machine learning tool in your pipe, such as the predictor, you can build the pipe to calculate the score.


    It's a good idea to build your pipe often! This will make sure your pipe builds quickly.

  4. Charts

    Click to create a chart of your pipe. Choose your chart type or visualization.

  5. Status menu

    Displays the status of your imports, builds, downloads and exports.

  6. Zoom in or out

    Increase or decrease the size of your canvas.

  7. AutoArrange_Aug22.png Auto arrange

    Automatically arranges all the components of your pipe to neatly align each one. This button also creates a uniform length for each of your connectors.

  8. zoomtofit_Aug22.png Zoom to fit

    The window zooms in or out so all objects are visible.

  9. Screen_Shot_2021-05-07_at_12_41_24_PM.png Open Notes

    Click this button to add notes to your pipe. Your notes can be customized to insert pictures, formulas, charts, emojis, and a table of contents. You can also export your notes into a PDF. This button can also be used to close or hide the Notes sidebar.

  10. Row viewer

    Row Viewer is a visual formatting option, supporting 500-plus columns. For more information, see Row Viewer.

Pipe builder tips


Learn tips on how to use the Pipe builder more effectively.

Learn tips on how to use the Pipe builder more effectively.

  • Moving a node:

    Choose one or more nodes individually to move around on the canvas. Use Control or Command and click to select the nodes, depending on your operating system.

  • Grouping nodes:

    Choose two or more nodes to group together. The grouping shows the number of tools contained within that group. With a group, you can perform the following actions:

    • Name the node group.

    • Move the node group around the canvas.

    • View the contents of the node group.

    • Ungroup the node group.

  • Moving a group of nodes:

    Choose a group of nodes to move around on the canvas. Use Shift and drag the group to the desired location.

Creating a pipe

To build a pipe, start by bringing in a data source. You can then transform or clean up your data.

  1. On the Planning cycles home page, click the planning cycle to open.

  2. Click the Command center icon Screen_Shot_2021-10-04_at_5_40_21_PM.png.

  3. Under the Admin section, click Integrations.

  4. Click the Build and visualize tab.

  5. Click Create new pipe.

    A Data tool is added by default.

  6. To configure the Data tool, select a data source from the menu or start a new import.

  7. Add any additional tools by typing the tool name or clicking add--alt.png Add tool.


    We use natural language processing in the Tool window, so you don't have to type the tool name exactly. For example, you can type Import to bring up the data tool. For more information on the types of tools available, see Tools.

  8. Configure any required fields for your tools in the side panel. The configuration steps depend on the tool.


    The pipe builder automatically saves the configuration.

  9. Add a predict tool to your pipe.


    If you're not sure which tool to use, just use Predictor for now!

  10. Connect the tools by clicking the Add button next to the tool name and dragging a line to the next tool.


    If you add a new tool while you have another tool selected, those tools will be connected automatically.

  11. Add an Export tool as the last tool in your pipe. You'll need this to create and run configurations later on.


    By default, the Export tool is set up to export to CSV. You can leave it this way if you want to download your data locally, and then re-import by doing a regular file import. See, Importing data files into Varicent Sales Planning.

    To create and run configurations, select the export connection you set up in the Getting started with Sales Planning Integrations section. This lets you lets you configure your data for planning using the Configure for planning tab, and then publish it as a data table on the Manage tables tab. Follow the sub-steps to do this.

    Currently, you can only create configurations for Activity data.

    1. Select the Export tool.

    2. Under the Connection field, select your Varicent Sales Planning export connector from the drop-down list.

    3. To identify your connection in the list when creating your configuration, rename it. Click the edit icon edit.png next to the Export tool name, and type a name for the connection.

  12. Click Build.


    Build your pipe often! Since builds are incremental, this ensures your pipe builds quickly.

    A calculation will start. You can see it in the Status menu. When the calculation finishes, a score appears beside the tool name.


Your pipe should have these 3 tools at a minimum: a data set, a predict tool, and an export tool.

Tool recommendations

You can use tool recommendations to help you choose your next tool. Sales Planning Integrations shows users a recommended toolset based on the previous tool selection.

The recommendations appear when you do one of the following tasks:

  • Open the pipe builder with a tool selected.

  • Add a tool to an existing pipe with the Add tool button or by typing.



Use tools to add data, predict, prepare, clean and more to build your pipe.

Build your pipe using various tools available to add data, predict, prepare, and clean. We have many different types of tools to choose from and get the most out of your data:

  • Calculate tools to determine numbers or amounts of combined values.

  • Clean tools to clean up your data before using it effectively.

  • Combine tools for when you want to merge and join data.

  • Data tools to add, supplement or export data.

  • Learn tools to understand and make predictions with your data.

  • Organize tools to label and change the layout of your data.

  • Sales Performance tools to aggregate your data for analytic purposes.


You'll use these tools when you need to determine the number or amount of combined values.



Summarize data by aggregating.

Summarize data by aggregating.

The aggregate operations are: MAX, MIN, COUNT, SUM, AVERAGE, MEDIAN, OR, AND, and STDEV.

You can use the OR and AND functions only with columns that contain Boolean values. The tool returns TRUE if:

  • OR is used and at least one record is true.

  • AND is used and all records are true.


You can use the COUNT operation without selecting an aggregate column.

When to use this tool

Use this tool when you want to:

  1. Perform an aggregate operation on a column.

  2. Arrange data into groups.

  3. Arrange your data into groups AND apply an aggregate operation.


Use the following configuration options to configure the Aggregate tool.

Configuring the Aggregate tool
  1. In , add your data source.

  2. Click symon_add_icon.png +Add Tool.

  3. Click See all tools.

  4. In the search bar, search for Aggregate. Click Add tool.


    You can also find the Aggregate tool in the Calculate section.

  5. Connect the tool to your data set.

  6. In the configuration pane, enter the following information:

    Table 5. Aggregate tool configuration



    Aggregate columns Group by

    Select the Group by checkbox if you want to group the aggregate columns by a specific existing column. The Aggregate tool currently supports Group by NULL for all data types:

    • Text

    • Numeric

    • Date

    • Boolean

    Learn more...


    Select the column to use from the drop-down menu.


    Select the sum to use from the drop-down menu.

    Column name

    Enter a name for the column.

  7. (Optional) Add additional aggregate columns.

Usage example

Let's use the aggregate tool to return the total row count for our data set.

  1. Leave the Grouped columns and Aggregate columns fields blank.

  2. Type a name for the new column.

  3. In the Operation field, select COUNT.

Aggregate tool updates


Updates for the Aggregate tool are not widely available yet. If you want this feature, contact Varicent Support.

The Aggregate tool currently has two versions, with the difference in Group by configuration functionality:

  • Updated tool functionality: The Group by option in the configuration retains any NULL values in the output for Date or Boolean columns.

    For example, you have a data set with with NULL values in a Date column named Transaction Date and a Boolean column named Online:


    The NULL values from those columns are retained in the output when grouped by these two columns:



    If you intend to upgrade the Aggregate tool, we recommend that you create a copy of your pipe. Saving your pipe gives you the chance to access to your prior version. Save your work in one of these ways:

  • Older tool functionality: The Group by option in the configuration removes any NULL values in the output for Date or Boolean columns.

    For example, you have a data set with with NULL values in a Date column named Transaction Date and a Boolean column named Online:


    The NULL values from those columns are removed in the output when grouped by these two columns:




Calculate amortization by selecting a numeric source column from your data.

Select a numeric source column from your data to use for amortization. Configure the following fields to calculate the amortization:

Table 6. Amortization tool configuration



Source column

Select a numeric source from your data to use for amortizing.

Interest rate

Add the interest rate specific to the frequency. For example, if the interest rate is 1%, and the frequency is quarterly, the interest rate is quarterly. Note: If you do not select an interest rate, the default is 0%.

Start with

The date column in which the first amortization payment is due. The minimum start date determines the date from the data. Sales Planning Integrations automatically determines the start date.


The Start with date column must be different than the End with column.

End with

The date column in your data for the maximum end date for the amortization. Sales Planning Integrations automatically determines the end date.


The End with date column must be different than the Start with column.


Select the frequency of the amortization. Choose from the following options:

  • Annually (Once a year)

  • Quarterly (Four times a year)

  • Monthly (12 times a year)

  • Biweekly (26 times a year)

  • Weekly (52 times a year)

Index columns

Select any columns from your original data set to display with the amortized values.

Equal amortization amounts

Select to enable.If you enable this option, the values calculated are all for the same per period. If you disable this option, the calculation accounts for the number of days within each period.

When to use this tool

Use this tool to comply with ASC 606 preparation, ASC 606 amortization standards or amortize your sales commissions.



Label your data in a specific way using the Case tool.

Adds a label to data according to logical tests.

To add labels to your data:

  1. Pick a name for the new column.

  2. Select the default value. If all logical tests fail, we use the default value instead.

  3. Define any number of logical tests. The value of the first successful logical test will be used.

You can set as many logical tests as you'd like, but there can be only 1 default value.

Reorder and move cases the way you want. Use the drag and drop icon DragIcon.png to reorder your cases.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to label your data in a specific way.

The Case tool supports both filter and formula expressions, with the filter function as the default. You can switch between the two functions as necessary.

With the filter function, you can select a column to filter and then choose the filter category and value or text. You can use AND or OR statements to filter. For more information about the Filter functions, see Filter.

With the formula function, you can apply a formula to the data. The formula must return a value of TRUE or FALSE. For more information about the Forumla functions, see Formula.


The Case tool requires one data input.


Use the following configuration options to help create your case configuration.

Configuring the Case tool
  1. In , add your data source.

  2. Click symon_add_icon.png +Add Tool.

  3. Click See all tools.

  4. In the search bar, search for Case. Click Add tool.


    You can also find the Case tool in the Calculate section.

  5. Connect the tool to your data set.

  6. In the configuration pane, enter the following information:

    Table 7. Case tool configuration



    New column name

    Enter a name for the new column.

    Default value

    Select the default value. If all logical tests fail, we will use the default value instead.

    Select a column

    Select a column to filter.

    Filter category

    Select a category to filter.

    Value or text

    Select the value or text.

    AND +Statement

    Optional: Use an AND statement to filter.

    OR +Statement

    Optional: Use an OR statement to filter.


    You can have a mix of filters and formulas in your configuration. Apply a formula to a filter instead of using a case filter. Click Switch to formula in the Cases section. If you want to revert back, click Switch to filter in the Formula section.

Error messaging

The Case tool can identify the following errors in your formulas:

  • Syntax error: An invalid function is present, or the function cannot be parsed due to a special character, or a missing bracket.

  • Invalid argument error: The tool detects that the argument is invalid due to a wrong data type.

  • Too many arguments error: The tool detects that there are too many arguments.

  • Missing arguments error: The tool detects that there are arguments missing from a function in your formula.

  • Unsupported data type error: The tool detects an unsupported data type. The Formula tool only accepts number, boolean, string, and date data types.



Answer a question about your data using the Conditional tool.

Determines if data passes a logical test.

Returns TRUE or FALSE in a new column.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to answer a question about your data.

Date add


Add date and time information to your data set.

Add a new date column to your data with these options:

  • Current time (in UTC)

  • Column (add dynamically, based on another column)

  • Constant time

When to use this tool

Use when you need to add date and time information to your data set.


The Date add tool requires one data input.


Use the following configuration options to configure the Date add tool.

Configuring the Date add tool
  1. In , add your data source.

  2. Click symon_add_icon.png +Add Tool.

  3. Click See all tools.

  4. In the search bar, search for Date add. Click Add tool.


    You can also find the Date add tool in the Calculate section.

  5. Connect the tool to your data set.

  6. In the configuration pane, enter the following information:

    Table 8. Date add tool configuration



    New column name

    Enter a name for your new column.

    Starts with

    Select what to start with. Choose from Current time, Column or Constant time.


    Select whether to add time. Choose from None, Value or Column.

    • None: Select this option if you do not add any additional time to your configuration.

    • Value: Enter a numeric value and select a unit of time, such as years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds or miliseconds.

    • Column: Select the column and the unit of time, such as years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds or miliseconds.

Date aggregate


Aggregate values grouped by Data columns at a frequency that you specify.

Aggregate values grouped by Date columns at a frequency you specify.

Adds two new columns: a date column and a numeric column.

When to use this tool

Date aggregation can be useful when you're preparing your data for Forecasting.


The Date aggregate tool requires one data input.


Use the following configuration options to help create your Date aggregate configuration.

Configuring the Date aggregate tool
  1. In , add your data source.

  2. Click symon_add_icon.png +Add Tool.

  3. Click See all tools.

  4. In the search bar, search for Filter. Click Add tool.


    You can also find the Date aggregate tool in the Calculate section.

  5. Connect the tool to your data set.

  6. In the configuration pane, enter the following information:

    Table 9. Date aggregate tool configuration



    Date Column

    Select the date column.


    Select the date frequency:

    • Yearly

    • Quarterly

    • Monthly

    • Weekly

    • Daily

    Aggregate column

    Select the column that you want to use to aggregate.


    Select the operation to use:

    • MAX: Use to find the maximum value.

    • MIN: Use to find the minimum value.

    • COUNT: Use to count the value.

    • SUM: Use to find the sum of the value.

    • AVERAGE: Use to find the average value.

    • MEDIAN: Use to find the median value.


    The alias name of the aggregate column.

    Group by

    Select this option to group the Date columns at a frequency you specify.

Date diff


Finds the difference between two dates.

Finds the difference between two dates. Adds a new column to your data. You can calculate the difference based on these values:

  • Current date

  • Column

  • Constant date

When to use this tool

Use this if you want to know how much time has passed between two dates.


The Date diff tool requires one data input.


Use the following configuration options to help create your Date diff configuration.

Configuring the Date diff tool
  1. In , add your data source.

  2. Click symon_add_icon.png +Add Tool.

  3. Click See all tools.

  4. In the search bar, search for Date diff. Click Add tool.


    You can also find the Date diff tool in the Calculate section.

  5. Connect the tool to your data set.

  6. In the configuration pane, enter the following information:

    Table 10. Date diff tool configuration



    New column name

    Enter the name of your new column.

    Unit of time

    Select the time interval:

    • Year

    • Month

    • Day

    • Hour

    • Minute

    • Second

    Start date

    Select the starting time, such as Current time, Column or Constant time.

    End date

    Select the ending time, such as Current time, Column or Constant time.



Use the Formula tool to apply a formula to an existing column. The tool will create a new column with the transformed data.

Add a new column by applying formula(s) to an existing column. The tool creates a new column with the transformed data.

With the Output column(s) option, you can add new columns or replace existing selected columns in your data set. The columns append to your data set, using the formula name as the column name. This option is available in both the standard pipe and the big pipe.

For a list of all formula definitions with examples, see: Formula functions, operators and constants. You can also click the Info icon info_icon.png in the to-do sidebar to see a list of all formula definitions with examples.

When to use this tool

Use the Formula tool to apply a formula to an existing column. The tool will create a new column with the transformed data.


The Formula tool requires one data input.


Use the following configuration options to help create your Formula configuration.

Configuring the Formula tool
  1. In , add your data source.

  2. Click symon_add_icon.png +Add Tool.

  3. Click See all tools.

  4. In the search bar, search for Formula. Click Add tool.


    You can also find the Formula tool in the Calculate section.

  5. Connect the tool to your data set.

  6. In the configuration pane, enter the following information:

    Table 11. Formula tool configuration




    In the field, start typing your formula, or click the one of the options to add a function, constant or operator.


    For more information about different formula functions, see: Formula functions, operators and constants.

    For information about data types you can use to construct formulas, see: Data types.


    Click to access the Advanced section of the configuration.

    Output column

    Select one of the following options: Adds a new column or Replace a selected column.

    + New formula

    Click to add another formula to the configuration.

Data types

Sales Planning Integrations uses the following data types to construct formulas:

  • Boolean: Used to indicate the result value of either True or False.

  • Double quote "": Used to to create strings or text, such as “This is a string” or “Male”.

  • Numeric: Used to indicate the value is in numeric form, either float or integer, such as 1 or 3.12.

  • Single quote '': Used to indicate columns, such as ‘Age’ refers to the column Age.


The behavior of round() for floats can be surprising because most decimal fractions cannot be represented exactly as a float.

For example, round(2.675, 2) will return 2.67 instead of the expected 2.68.

You can read Floating Point Arithmetic: Issues and Limitations for more information.

Using Row Viewer Format

When you use the Row Viewer format, the format inherits the format from the preceding tool. But, some formulas may have a different output, based on one of the following scenarios:

  • There is not a preceding tool to inherit the format from.

  • The column types between the two tools are different and cannot inherit the format.

  • The function applied in the current tool takes precedence over the inherited format.

For more information, see Row Viewer

Some formula functions affect the decimal place without the Row Viewer format. The following functions always take precedence and prevent the inherited decimal place formatting:

  • round()

  • floor()

  • ceil()

The following functions use the inherited format:

  • abs()

  • sqrt()

  • log10()

  • sin()

  • cos()

  • asin()

  • acos()

  • atan()

  • pow()

if() outputs the same format if the true results and the false results have the same format. If they do not have the same format, the input formats are ignored.

Error messaging

The Formula tool can find the following errors in your data set:

  • Syntax error: An unknown function is occurring, or the function cannot parse due to a special character, or a missing bracket.

  • Invalid argument error: The tool detects that the argument is invalid due to a wrong data type.

  • Too many arguments error: The tool detects that there are too many arguments.

  • Missing arguments error: The tool detects that there are one or more arguments missing from the range of the number of allowed arguments.

  • Unsupported data type error: The tool detects an unsupported data type. The Formula tool only accepts number, boolean, string, and date data types.

Formula functions, operators and constants

Combine formulas to transform data into an existing column. Sales Planning Integrations creates a new column with the output.

Combine formulas to transform data into an existing column. Sales Planning Integrations creates a new column with the output.


Sales Planning Integrations offers the following types of functions to use in your formulas:

Table 12. Formula functions







Returns the absolute value of a number.

If you want to show the difference between this month's sales and last month's sales as a percentage, but you do not want the percent change to be a negative value, use a formula similar to the following example:

ABS(Current - Prior)/Prior

In this example, the formula is subtracting last month's sales from this month's sales and dividing it by last month's sales to get the percentage difference.


  • Number: The number of which you want the absolute value.


Returns the arccosine of a number.



  • Number: The cosine of the acosine angle you want, must be from -1 to 1.


Returns the arcsine of a number.



  • Number: The sine of the asine angle you want, must be from -1 to 1.


Returns the arctangent of a number.



  • Number: The tangent of the angle you want.


Rounds a number up to the nearest integer.



  • Number: The number or column that you want to round.


Concatenates all the given text and numbers.



  • Texts/Numbers...: Any number of columns (Text or Number), user input text or numbers to concatenate with each other.


Returns either true or false if Text contains the specified Target text.


Contains(Text,Contained text)

  • Text: The text containing the text you want to find. This can be a column or user input text.

  • Contained text: The text you want to find. This can be a column or user input text.


Returns the cosine of a given angle.



  • Number: The angle in radians for which you want the cosine.


Returns a date given the specified Year, Month, and Day.



  • Year: A four digit number representing the year or column.

  • Month: A one or two digit number representing the month or column.

  • Day: A one or two digit number representing the day of the month or column.


Returns either true or false if Text ends with the specified Ending text.


Endswith(Text,Ending text)

  • Text: The text containing the text you want to find. This can be a column or user input text.

  • Ending text: The text you want to find. This can be a column or user input text.


Rounds a number down to the nearest integer.



  • Number: The number or column that you want to round.


Returns the first input if true and the second input if false.

If the sale amount is greater than $100, you receive a 5% commission. Otherwise, you receive a 2% commission.

IF(Data.Value > 100, Data.Value * 0.05, Data.Value * 0.02)

Nested IF() example:

If your sale amount is greater than $100, you receive 5% commission. If your sale is greater than $50, you receive 3%; otherwise, you receive 2%:

IF(Data.Value > 100, Data.Value * 0.05, IF(Data.Value > 50, Data.Value * 0.03, Data.Value * 0.02))

If(Condition,True Result,False Result)

  • Condition: The condition you want to test.

  • True Result: The value to return if condition is true.

  • False Result: The value to return if condition is false.


Returns true for empty rows. Returns false for records that are not empty.



In general, any base operation between a real number and null results in null, such as the following examples:

  • 1+null = null1

  • *null = null

  • Column: The column to check for empty state.


Returns the base- 10 logarithm of a number.



  • Number: The positive real number for which you want the base- 10 logarithm.


Returns the base-2 logarithm of a number.



  • Number: The positive real number for which you want the base-2 logarithm.


Returns the maximum value between columns for numbers and dates.

If, for each deal, you receive a 5% commission, but there is a minimum of $5 per deal you earn, you can use the following formula to determine whether the 5% commission is higher than the $5 minimum:

MAX(Data.Value*0.05, $5)


  • Numbers/Dates...: Any columns (Number or Date), or user input numbers or dates of which you want to find the maximum.

  • If you have an If statement similar to the following example: IF(A>B,A,B), you may want to use the MAX operator.


Returns the minimum value between columns for numbers and dates.

If 5% commission is paid on each deal to a maximum of $100, the following formula pays either 5% commission or $100, whichever is less:

MIN(Data.Value*0.05 , 100)




  • Numbers/Dates...: Any columns (Number or Date), or user input numbers or dates of which you want to find the minimum.

  • If you have an If statement similar to the following example: IF(A>B,A,B), you may want to use the M operator.


Returns a number rounded to the nearest multiple.



  • Number: The value to round, either a numeric value or column.

  • Multiple: The multiple used to round the number, either a numeric value or column.


Returns the current time.




Adds leading or trailing characters to the text to meet the specified length.


Pad(Text,Text length,Pad text,Pad side)

  • Text: Column from data or user input.

  • Text length: Number of characters or column that indicates the text length for each row.

  • Pad text: User input or column, that contains single/multiple characters or whitespace. If left empty, it defaults to white space.

  • Pad side: "left" or "right" or a column that indicates the pad direction for each record.


Returns the result of a number raised to a power.



  • Number: The base number.

  • Power: The exponent to which the base number is raised.


Rounds a number to a specified number of digits.

If you want to round your results to the nearest cent, use a formula similar to this example:

ROUND(Result, 2)

In this example, the formula rounds the output to 2.

Round(Number,Number of digits)

  • Number: The number or column that you want to round.

  • Number of digits: The number of digits to which you want to round to.


Returns the sine of a given angle.



  • Number: The angle in radians for which you want the sine.


Returns a square root of a number.



  • Number: The number for which you want the square root.


Returns either true or false if Text starts with the specified Starting text.


Startswith(Text,Starting text)

  • Text: The text containing the text you want to find. This can be a column or user input text.

  • Starting text: The text you want to find. This can be a column or user input text.


Returns the tangent of a given angle.



  • Number: The angle in radians for which you want the tangent.


Sales Planning Integrations offers the following types of calculation operators to use in your formulas:

Table 13. Operators




Add +

Returns result of the addition of specified numbers.


For example: Ceil('CreditValue')+Ceil('Commission')


Filters data based on the specified conditions. Use to combine multiple conditions.

and(value1, value2)

Divide /

Returns the result of the division of specified numbers.


For example: Abs('Commission')/Abs('ManualPay')

Equal ==

Returns a true result if the number is equal to another number. If the number is not equal, it returns a false result.


For example: Abs('Commission')==Abs('ManualPay')

Less than <

Returns a true result if the left number is less than the right number. If the right number is greater, it will return a false value.


For example: Abs('Commission')<Abs('ManualPay')

Greater than >

Returns the result of the number is greater than another number.


For example: Ceil('CreditValue')>Ceil('Commission')

Greater than or equal >=

Returns the result of the number is greater than or equal to another number.


For example: Ceil('CreditValue')>=Ceil('Commission')

Less than or equal <=

Returns the result of the number less than or equal to another number.


For example: 30<=45

Multiply *

Returns the result of the multiplication of specificied numbers.


For example: Ceil('Rate')*Ceil('CreditValue')

Module %

Returns the remaining value after the number is divided by a divisor.


For example: Ceil('CreditValue')&Ceil('Commission')


Returns the value when one condition is not true.

not(value1, value2)

Not equal !=

Returns a true result if the number is not equal to another number. If the number has the same value, it returns a false result.


For example: Abs('Commission')!=Abs('ManualPay')


Filters data based on the specified conditions. Use to combine multiple conditions. Need at least one condition to be true or both conditions true.

or(value1, [value2])

Subtract -

Returns the result of the the subtraction of specified numbers.


For example: Ceil('CreditValue')-Ceil('Commission')

Text ""

A text value within a formula.



Filters data based on the specified conditions. Use to combine multiple conditions. Need at least one condition to be false or both conditions false.

xor(value1, [value2])


Sales Planning Integrations offers the following types of constant operators to use in your formulas:

Table 14. Constants




Natural base e

Returns the natural logarithm of a value to the base of the mathematical constant e.



Returns the sum of the value of two numbers based on the phi mathematical constant value.



Returns the sum of the value based on the pi mathematical constant value.



Returns the sum of the value of two numbers based on the tau mathematical constant value.


Data types

Sales Planning Integrations uses the following data types to construct formulas:

  • Boolean: Used to indicate the result value of either True or False.

  • Double quote "": Used to to create strings or text, such as “This is a string” or “Male”.

  • Numeric: Used to indicate the value is in numeric form, either float or integer, such as 1 or 3.12.

  • Single quote '': Used to indicate columns, such as ‘Age’ refers to the column Age.


The behavior of round() for floats can be surprising because most decimal fractions cannot be represented exactly as a float.

For example, round(2.675, 2) will return 2.67 instead of the expected 2.68.

You can read Floating Point Arithmetic: Issues and Limitations for more information.

Using Row Viewer Format

When you use the Row Viewer format, the format inherits the format from the preceding tool. But, some formulas may have a different output, based on one of the following scenarios:

  • There is not a preceding tool to inherit the format from.

  • The column types between the two tools are different and cannot inherit the format.

  • The function applied in the current tool takes precedence over the inherited format.

For more information, see Row Viewer

Some formula functions affect the decimal place without the Row Viewer format. The following functions always take precedence and prevent the inherited decimal place formatting:

  • round()

  • floor()

  • ceil()

The following functions use the inherited format:

  • abs()

  • sqrt()

  • log10()

  • sin()

  • cos()

  • asin()

  • acos()

  • atan()

  • pow()

if() outputs the same format if the true results and the false results have the same format. If they do not have the same format, the input formats are ignored.

Error messaging

The Formula tool can find the following errors in your data set:

  • Syntax error: An unknown function is occurring, or the function cannot parse due to a special character, or a missing bracket.

  • Invalid argument error: The tool detects that the argument is invalid due to a wrong data type.

  • Too many arguments error: The tool detects that there are too many arguments.

  • Missing arguments error: The tool detects that there are one or more arguments missing from the range of the number of allowed arguments.

  • Unsupported data type error: The tool detects an unsupported data type. The Formula tool only accepts number, boolean, string, and date data types.



See the trends and patterns that emerge from transformed data using the Lag tool.

Create a new, transformed series of data from your original data. Specify the Date column, Frequency, and rows to Analyze by. For the lag, enter the New column name, the Aggregate column, the Operation and the Lag number.

You can create multiple aggregate columns for your data. Each aggregate column is added to the data as a new column.

When to use this tool

Use the Lag tool when you want to see the trends and patterns that emerge from the transformed data. For example, you can use the Lag tool to view your revenue month over month. The Lag tool gives you a row over row comparison.


The Lag tool only performs the operation to the end of the data. It does not make predictions about the data.

Merge columns


Checks for text in the columns specified in sequence, returns the first set of text it finds, replacing the original columns.

Checks for text in the columns specified in sequence, and returns the first set of text it finds, replacing the original columns.

When to use this tool

Use when you have inconsistent text columns and want to combine them into a single column.


The Merge columns tool requires one data input.


Use the following configuration options to help create your Merge columns configuration.

Configuring the Merge columns tool
  1. In , add your data source.

  2. Click symon_add_icon.png +Add Tool.

  3. Click See all tools.

  4. In the search bar, search for Merge columns. Click Add tool.


    You can also find the Merge columns tool in the Calculate section.

  5. Connect the tool to your data set.

  6. In the configuration pane, enter the following information:

    Table 15. Merge column tool configuration




    Select the column or columns that you want to use to merge.

    New column name

    Enter the new column name.

Min max scaler


Scale values in your data to fall between a given range.

Scale numeric columns based on a range you specify.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to scale values so they fall between a given range.

If you want to scale values without giving a range, use the standard scaler.



Identify outlier values in your data.

Identify outlier values in your data.

When the Outlier type is set to All, this tool looks at the selected speed and applies a subset of algorithms to set the outlier and probability values.


Probability is the number of outliers that are determined True over the total number of outliers. The outlier value is set to "True" if the probability is over 50%. The probability is the proportion of algorithms that identify that value as an outlier. For example, if there are six algorithms and five out of the six algorithms return TRUE, that the value is an outlier, then the Probability is 83.33% with an Outlier value set to TRUE.

You can optionally use the Analyze by field for more control over how Sales Planning Integrations identifiers outliers. When you select a column to analyze by, Sales Planning Integrations suggests outliers based on groups instead of the entire data set. 

For example, let's say you have a data set with 3 columns:

  • seller ID

  • pay component

  • country

If you want to find outliers in pay components, it would be useful to analyze this by country, since an outlier in one country may not be an outlier in another.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to find values in your data that might be outliers. You can then investigate why these values are outliers and, optionally, remove them.

Running average


Calculate a running average for a column.

Adds a new column that returns the running average of the value columns you specify.

The result is sorted based on another column you specify.

Group by is an optional configuration.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to calculate a running average for a column.

Running total


Calculate an accumulating total for a column.

Adds a new column that returns the running total of the value of columns you specify.

The result is sorted based on another column you specify.

Group by is an optional configuration.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to calculate an accumulating total for a column.


The Running total tool requires one data input.


Use the following configuration options to help create your Running total configuration.

Configuring the Running total tool
  1. In , add your data source.

  2. Click symon_add_icon.png  +Add Tool.

  3. Click See all tools.

  4. In the search bar, search for Running total. Click Add tool.


    You can also find the Running total tool in the Calculate section.

  5. Connect the tool to your data set.

  6. In the configuration pane, enter the following information:

    Table 16. Running total tool configuration



    Value columns

    Select the column that you want to calculate an accumulating total for.

    Group columns

    Select the column(s) to group in to.

    Sort by

    Select the column to sort by.

    Ascending - Descending

    Toggle to switch to sort your data either in ascending or descending order.

Standard scaler


Standardize numeric columns by subtracting the mean and scaling to unit variance.

Standardize numeric columns by subtracting the mean and scaling to unit variance.

This tool scales a numeric column so that values fall between a range of values where mean is set to 0 and standard deviation is set to 1.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to scale values without specifying a range.

If you want to scale values between a given range, use the min max scaler.

Text length


Compute the length of text in your data.

Compute the length of text in your data.

This tool counts characters, so spaces and punctuation are included.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to know the total length of a text column.

Weighted average


Calculates the weighted average of two numeric columns.

Calculates the weighted average of two columns.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to know the average of two numeric columns.

Word Frequency


Perform a word frequency count across your data set, in a particular column.

Perform a word frequency count across your data set, in a particular column.

The Word Frequency tool accepts the following variables to search for text or phrases:

  • Exact text match, such as red.

  • Double count, such as red or red pepper.

  • Case insensitive, such as Red or red.

When to use this tool

Use the Word Frequency tool to perform a word or phrase frequency count in a particular column across your data set.


The Word Frequency tool requires two data inputs. The first one is the data source where the tool will look for specific words or phrases. The second is a data source containing the words or phrases.


The Word Frequency tool only accepts string format.

Configuration options

Use the following configuration options to help create your rules.

Configuring Word Frequency
  1. In your pipe, add your data sources.


    The Word Frequency tool requires two data sources.

  2. Click symon_add_icon.png +Add Tool.

  3. Click See all tools.

  4. In the search bar, search for Work Frequency. Click Add tool.


    You can also find the Word Frequency tool in the Calculate section.

  5. Connect the tool to your data sets.

  6. In the configuration pane, enter the following information:

    Table 17. Word Frequency tool configuration



    New column name

    Enter the name of the new column for the frequency count.

    Column to extract from

    Select the column in the data set to extract the data from. This column is where you want to look from.

    Target text column

    Select the column in the data set that you want to target the data from. This column is the words or phrases that you want to look for.

    (Optional - Advanced section) Match type

    Select the Exact match option for exact matches only.

    Case insensitive

    Select the case insensitive option to use any case form.


    By default the search is case sensitive.

Usage example

Use this tool to find how many times each word is showing up in a specified column. Then, the tool sums up how many instances of each word for you.

For example, if you want to find out how many times the words Apple, Peach and Orange are listed in a particular column. Enter the target column and run the tool for the sums:

Example of Word frequency



These tools help clean up data so you can use your data effectively.

You'll use these tools when you need to clean up your data before you can use it effectively.


Any characters that Sales Planning Integrations cannot map will be converted to [?] . If you want to remove these characters, use the Replace tool.

Category encoder


Map unique text column values to sequential numbers.

Map unique text column values to sequential numbers.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to categorize values.


Use the following configuration to use the Category encoder.

Configuring Category encoder
  1. In your pipe, add your data source.

  2. Click symon_add_icon.png + Add tool.

  3. Click See all tools.

  4. In the search bar, search for Category encoder. Click Add tool.


    You can also find the Category encoder tool in the Clean section.

  5. Connect the tool to your data set.

  6. In the configuration pane, enter the following information:

    Table 18. Category encoder tool configuration



    Category column

    Select the column to map the values from.


    Enter the name of the column.

  7. (Optional) Click + Selection to add a new selection.

Encoding 2 values to 1 number

There is a case where the Category encoder will encode two values to one number. When you build the pipe, the encoder learns the unique values in the column, and assigns a numeric value to each column. When you export the pipe, the encoder assigns the same numeric value for the values it already knows about. If there’s a value that the Category encoder did not learn in the build, it assigns it a particular value, such as max value + 1.

For example, if the Category encoder learns about A, B and C in the build, then the Category encoder sees A, D and E in the export. The encoder will assign A to 0, D to 3 and E to 3.

A blank empty string or text value in the build and in the export gets assigned to that particular value. If in the build there’s A, B and blank, the encoder assigns A to 0, B to 1, and blank to 2. Then, in export, if there’s A, blank, D and E, it will assign A to 0, blank to 2, D to 2 and E to 2.

Clean Character


Clean and convert any non-ASCII characters in your data set to ASCII compliant characters.

The Clean Character tool helps to transform any non-ASCII characters in your data set. This tool simplifies the process of cleaning up non-ASCII characters by replacing or removing the unsupported characters. This tool helps you prepare your data for downstream systems that don't support these special characters.

For example, the Clean Character tool would take áëîõü and transform it to aeiou or æ to ae.


Sales Planning Integrations supports the ASCII character set only, not the Extended ASCII character set.

Any characters that Sales Planning Integrations cannot map will be transformed to [?].

If you want to remove these transformed characters, use the Replace tool.

When to use this tool

Use the Clean Character tool to select text columns to clean the non-ASCII characters. All non-text columns are disabled in the column drop-down.

The default is to replace the existing column. However, if you choose add new column, the new output column is appended with the suffix _cleaned. For example, the new column could be named column_cleaned.


After you add your data source to your pipe, you can add and configure the Clean Character tool to clean your data set.

Configuring the Clean Character tool
  1. Add the Clean Character tool to your pipe.

  2. Connect the tool to your data set.

  3. Complete the required fields to configure the tool:

    • Columns: Select the desired columns to clean. Choose either all columns or individual columns.

    • Clean method: Select either Convert to transform to an ASCII equivalent or Remove to remove the character.

    • Output column(s): In the Advanced section, select to either Replace selected column(s) or to Add new column(s) in your data set.

  4. Add as many conditions to clean characters as desired.

Date part


Extract specific date information from a date column.

Extract specific date information from a date column. You can select any of the following values:

  • Year

  • Month

  • Quarter

  • Week

  • Day

  • Weekday

  • Hour

  • Minute

  • Second

You can also opt to select all values or none of the values in the configuration.

When to use this tool

Use when your data set contains a general date column, and you want to break it down further.


The Date part tool requires one data input.


Use the following configuration options to help create your Date part configuration.

Configuring the Date part tool
  1. In , add your data source.

  2. Click symon_add_icon.png +Add Tool.

  3. Click See all tools.

  4. In the search bar, search for Date part. Click Add tool.


    You can also find the Date part tool in the Clean section.

  5. Connect the tool to your data set.

  6. In the configuration pane, enter the following information:

    Table 19. Date part tool configuration



    Target column

    Select the target column.

    Date Parts

    Select the date parts to extract specific date information.



Remove columns from your data with the Drop tool.

Remove columns from your data.

When to use this tool

If you don't need a column, you can remove it.

If you want to remove the majority of columns from your data set, use the Select tool.


You can configure this tool without using the configuration menu.

In the Add tool menu, start typing the first few letters of the tool name and press tab to auto-complete. Then start typing the name of the column you want to use and press tab to auto-complete.

Usage example

We start with this data set:







In the Columns to drop field, select or type ColumnA.

As a result, the data set now looks like this:






Extract text from value using regular expression.

Extract text from value using regular expression.

  • To extract digits, use (\d+).

  • To extract all of the text, use (.*).

  • To extract everything before a comma, use (.*),(.*).

  • To extract email domain, use (?<=@)[^.]+(?=\.).

With the Output column(s) option, you can add new columns or replace an existing column in your data set. The columns append to your data set, with the naming convention of (column)_extracted, for example: Monthly Sales_extracted.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to extract text in specific ways using regular expressions.

You can also use the text part tool to extract text.



Add sample or placeholder data to fill in empty values.

Fill in empty values. The filled data depends on the column type:

  • Numeric. You can choose to fill empty values with a constant number, an average, a medium, or a mode.

  • Text. Fill empty values with text you specify.

  • Boolean. Fill empty values with FALSE by default, or select Fill boolean with true to fill with TRUE.

  • Date. Fill empty values with the current date or a date you specify.

When to use this tool

Use when you need sample or placeholder data, or when you need to provide default values for empty values in a column.



Use the Filter tool to explore a subset of your data.

Use the Filter tool to explore a subset of your data. Keep data that passes logical tests.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to explore a subset of your data.


The Filter tool requires one data input.


Use the following configuration options to help create your Filter configuration.

Configuring the Filter tool
  1. In , add your data source.

  2. Click symon_add_icon.png +Add Tool.

  3. Click See all tools.

  4. In the search bar, search for Filter. Click Add tool.


    You can also find the Filter tool in the Clean section.

  5. Connect the tool to your data set.

  6. In the configuration pane, enter the following information:

    Table 20. Filter tool configuration



    Select a column

    Select a column to filter your data with.

    Filter category

    Select one of the following filters to use:

    • Equal

    • Not Equal

    • Less Than

    • Less Than or Equal

    • Greater Than

    • Greater than or Equal

    • Starts With

    • Ends With

    • Contains

    • Not Contains

    • Is Null

    • Is Not Null

    Value or text

    Select the value to use, or start typing to find a value.

    AND + Statement

    Optionally add an AND statement. Filters data based on the specified conditions. Only rows that meet the conditions in all AND statements will be imported.

    OR + Statement

    Optionally add an OR statement. Filters data based on the specified conditions. Only rows that meet the conditions in all OR statements will be imported.

    Switch to advanced

    Click to go to advanced filter rules to add a group or statement.

Usage example

In this example, we have a data set that contains customer IDs and an NPS score.













Let's say we want to explore data only for customers considered "detractors" (a score of 6 or less). We can remove the rows we don't need by using the Filter tool:

  1. In the left side literal or column field, select or type "NPS".

  2. Select or type "Less Than or Equal".

  3. In the right side literal or column field, type "6".

As a result, the data set now looks like this:









Hierarchy validator


Identify any errors that could break the hierarchy.

Use the Hierarchy validator tool to identify any errors that could break the hierarchy. Clean any invalid rows before you upload your data.

When to use this tool

Use this tool to identify errors that can break your hierarchy. Build your pipe and then clean the invalid rows prior to uploading your data to Varicent Sales Planning.


Preview returns results based on the first 10,000 rows of data. For data sets over 10,000 rows, build your pipe and switch from  Preview to Last built to ensure that the entire data set is used to validate the hierarchy before cleaning your data.

When the tool runs, two columns are added to the output:

  1. A row to indicate whether the row is valid or not.

  2. A row to indicate an error message if there is one.


Select the applicable columns in your data set from the drop down in each field to configure this tool:

Table 21. Hierarchy validator




Select the key to use to roll up to the Parent key. For example, Account ID.

Parent key

Select the key to use for the parent of the Key column. For example, Group ID.


Select the name of the key. For example, Company name. This field is optional.

Parent name

Select the name of the Parent key. For example, Parent company name. This field is optional.


Ensure that each field has a unique column. If you try to select the same column for more than one field, an error message stating Hierarchy columns must be unique appears.

Error messages

The Hierarchy validator finds and displays errors in a separate column in the row viewer. The following errors could be found in your data set:

  • Circular reference error: This error indicates that a higher-level value is trying to roll up to a lower-level value and vice versa. This error would appear in all records.

  • Invalid parent key error: This error indicates that a parent key is missing in the key column.

  • Duplicate key error: This error indicates that this key could exist in multiple spots. Each key must roll up to one parent only and have a unique name. This error would appear beside all rows with the same key.

One hot encoder


Represent unique column values as a series of columns consisting of 1's and 0's.

Represent unique column values as a series of columns consisting of 1's and 0's.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to categorize values.

Remove empty


Remove rows of empty data in the columns you specify.

Remove rows that contain empty data in the columns you specify.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to remove blank values.

Remove outliers


Remove records outside of a range that you specify.

Remove rows from your data with extreme values.

For numeric columns, this tool removes records outside of a range you specify.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to clean up your data so it doesn't contain any extreme values that could affect your analysis.



Replicate every row in your data set many times.

Replicate every row in your data set any number of times.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to repeat rows in your data set.


The Repeat tool requires one data input.


Use the following configuration options to help replicate your data.

Configuring the Repeat tool
  1. Click add_to_dashboard.png + Tool on the toolbar.

  2. Click See all tools.

  3. Type or search for the Repeat tool. Click Add tool.

  4. In the search bar, search for Repeat. Click Add tool.


    You can also find the Repeat tool in the Clean section.

  5. Connect the tool to your data set.

  6. In the configuration pane, enter the following information:

    Table 22. Repeat tool configuration



    Repetition frequency

    Enter the number of repetitions or click the up or down arrows until you get the desired number.


    If your output data set includes more than 10 million rows, this could impact performance.

    Enable repetition count

    Enable to turn on the identification of the number of repetitions per row.


    By enabling the count, it adds a repetition count column.

    Repetition column name

    Enter a column name for the number of repetitions.



Replace text values in your data.

Replace text values in your data.

Add multiple operations or conditions when you configure the Replace tool. However, you cannot use the same column with search type and find in different conditions if replace is different.

You can also use the drag and drop icon DragIcon.png to order your operations the way you want.


If you select RegEx as the search type, Sales Planning Integrations only uses Python RegEx.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to replace values in your data.

Usage example

In this example, we have two values in the VoicemailPlan column that mean the same thing.











Let's clean this up so we have consistent values.

  1. In the Target Columns field, select or type VoicemailPlan.

  2. For Search Type, select Exact Match.

  3. In the Find field, type Yes.

  4. In the Replace field, type Y.

As a result, the data set now looks like this:













Remove multiple columns in your data using the Select tool.

Keep only specified columns in your data by removing multiple columns in your data.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to remove a lot of columns.

If you want to remove only a few columns, use the Drop tool.


The Select tool requires one data input.


Use the following configuration options to help create your Select configuration.

Configuring the Select tool
  1. In , add your data source.

  2. Click symon_add_icon.png +Add Tool.

  3. Click See all tools.

  4. In the search bar, search for Select. Click Add tool.


    You can also find the Select tool in the Clean section.

  5. Connect the tool to your data set.

  6. In the configuration pane, enter the following information:

    Table 23. Select tool configuration



    Columns to select

    Select the column(s) to keep in your data.

Select word


Returns nth word from text of specified column, replacing the text in the column.

Returns nth word from text of specified column, replacing the text in the column.

Index refers to the word position in the sentence. If you type 1, the tool returns the first word in the sentence. If you type 2, the tool returns the second, and so on. Separator refers to what is used to separate each word. Usually, this is a space.

With the Output column(s) option, you can add new columns or replace existing selected columns in your data set. The columns append to your data set, with the naming convention of (column)_extracted, for example: Monthly Sales_extracted.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to extract a specific word part of the sentence. If you just want to return part of a sentence irrespective of the word count, use the Text part tool.

Text between


Extracts text based on specified characters, replacing the data in the text column with the returned text.

Extracts text based on specified characters, replacing the data in the text column with the returned text.

With the Output column(s) option, you can add new columns or replace existing columns in your data set. The columns append to your data set, with the naming convention of (column)_extracted, for example: Monthly Sales_extracted.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to return a specific part of a text value.

Text part


Select the beginning, middle, or end of the text in the specified column.

Select the beginning, middle, or end of text in the specified column.

With the Output column(s) option, you can also add new columns or replace existing selected columns in your data set. The columns append to your data set, with the naming convention of (column)_extracted, for example: Monthly Sales_extracted. This option is available in both the standard pipe and the big pipe.

Input and output

To use this tool, you need a text column.

When you run this tool, it replaces the data in the text column with the part you specify.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to extract part of a text column.



Remove leading and trailing whitespace from your data.

Remove leading and trailing whitespace from your data.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to remove extra spaces from text columns.

Trim tags


Trim tags from HTML.

Trim tags from HTML.

When to use this tool

If you have have a text column written in HTML, you can use this tool to remove tags from those values.



Discover unique rows in either a subset of data or the whole data set.

Finds all unique rows in your data.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to find out how many unique rows are in your data.

How to use this tool

You can either use your entire data set or choose a subset. To use the whole data set, select the Use all columns checkbox. To use a subset of columns, choose the columns from the Columns to include drop down. Any columns that aren't chosen are ignored.


The Unique tool requires one data input.


Use the following configuration options to help create your Unique tool configuration.

Configuring the Unique tool
  1. In pipe builder, add your data source.

  2. Click symon_add_icon.png +Tool.

  3. Click See all tools.

  4. In the search bar, search for Unique. Click +Add tool.


    You can also find the Unique tool in the Clean section.

  5. Connect the tool to your data set.

  6. In the configuration pane, enter the following information:

    Table 24. Unique tool configuration



    Use all columns

    Select if you want to use all columns in your data set to find the unique rows.

    Columns to include

    Select the columns in your data set to find the unique rows. Use this field if you don't choose to use all columns.


You'll use these tools when you want to merge and join data.

Combination Matcher


Identifies if records from one data set match the approved combinations defined in the rule data set.

Identifies if records from one data set match the approved combinations defined in the rule data set. 

Input and output

This tool takes two data sets. You can select the data source with the combinations to be used for matching, and this is the data Sales Planning Integrations will use to match and join the two data sets.

When configuring the tool, you can choose which Match type you want to use:

  • Exact match: Use when you want to check for exact value matches. This is the default choice.

  • Contains: Use when you want to check that a text value in the Combination column contains a text value in the Match column.

  • Is Contained In: Use when you want to check that a text value in the Combination column is contained within a text value in the Match column.


You can only use match types Contains and Is Contained In when the Combination and Match columns are both a text type.

The output contains all records from the data set, plus an additional column indicating if one record matches any combination. The value will be "True" or "False".

When the ID Column is selected, an additional column will display the combination ID when a record matches a combination. If the record does not match any combination, the value will be empty.

When to use this tool

Use this tool when you want to compare two data sets to find matching values.

Usage example

Let's say you have two data sets. The first contains a list of online t-shirt orders, and the other contains the collections available for the season.

Using Combination Matcher, you can identify the orders you can fulfill based on the matched values between the two data sets, such as the t-shirt color and size.

Fuzzy Matcher


A fuzzy-matching tool that you can use to recognize matching data between two data sets.

Fuzzy Matcher is a fuzzy-matching tool that you can use to recognize matching data between two data sets. Use the Match Level slider to specify your desired degree of fuzziness. When Match Level is set to 100%, fuzzy matching is case-sensitive, otherwise, it isn't.


A low number indicates a higher fuzziness, and in turn a broader scope for matching data. A higher number indicates a lower fuzziness, and in turn a more exact match when comparing data. Set the Match Level slider to 100 for an exact, case-sensitive match.

Input and output

This tool takes two data sets. You can select the data source to be used for matching, and this is the data Sales Planning Integrations will use to match and join the two data sets. One input is the "messy" imperfect data containing multiple rows that you want to match to a single row in the other data source. The other input is the data set that contains unique IDs, and serves as an "answer key".

When configuring the tool, the Source column is used to match the "messy" data to the "answer key" data. The Match column helps train the tool to correctly match the rows.

This tool joins the two data sets using a many-to-one method. Each row from the first input is mapped to, at most, one row from the second input. The output also adds a Similarity Measure column that shows the likelihood of the match being correct.


The order of the conditions does not affect the end result of your match.

When to use this tool

Use this tool when you want to detect matching data between two data sets.

Usage example

Let's say you have two data sets. The first contains transaction data of purchases made by customers. This information is entered manually, so there are some misspellings or missing information in some rows. The second data set contains customer or account information. This data set is the "answer key" where each row represents a unique customer ID with no missing or incorrect information.

Without cleaning up the transaction data set, Sales Planning Integrations would treat a misspelled name and a correctly-spelled name as 2 different customers. We want to use the Fuzzy Matcher to fuzzy-match those rows to the same customer ID. When you run the tool, it fuzzy-matches each row in one data set to a maximum of one row in the other data set.


For a more detailed explanation using a practical example, create a Fuzzy Matcher Example blueprint from the Apps tab.



Add another data set to an existing one by appending columns.

Add another data set to an existing one by appending columns. When joining data, ensure that there is at least one common column in both data sets. The common column is known as a key column.

When to use this tool

Use when you need to combine two data sets.

If you want to combine data sets but restrict it to only matching columns, use the Union tool instead.

Select the join type to combine columns:

  • Left: Values appear in the left data set output when joined, regardless of a match.

  • Right: Values appear in the right data set output when joined, regardless of a match.

  • Inner: Values must exist and match in both data sets for the results to appear in the output.

  • Left anti: Values from the left table that don’t have any matching rows from the right table appear in the output.

  • Full outer: Returns all records in both the top (Left) and bottom (Right) data sets, regardless of a match.

Learn more about the join types...

In the advanced settings, you can select different comparison operators. Equal is the default operator. You can choose from the following operators to filter:











Less than

Not supported


Not supported


Less than or equal

Not supported


Not supported


Greater than

Not supported


Not supported


Greater than or equal

Not supported


Not supported




Not supported

Not supported

Not supported

Note: If you select the Like operator, the pattern type appears.

Input and output

To use this tool, you need two data sets.

When you run this tool, it appends columns to the primary data set based on the secondary data set. The data type must be the same in both key columns.


Use the following configuration options to configure the Join tool.

Configuring the Join tool
  1. In , add your data sources.

  2. Click symon_add_icon.png +Add Tool.

  3. Click See all tools.

  4. In the search bar, search for the Join tool. Click Add tool.


    You can also find the Join tool in the Combine section.

  5. Connect the tools to your data sets.

  6. In the configuration pane, enter the following information:

    Table 25. Join tool configuration



    Join conditions

    Select the Join type:

    • Left join

    • Right join

    • Inner join

    • Left anti

    • Full outer

    Join column top

    Select the operator to join the top column. For more information, see: Operators.

    Join column bottom

    Select the operator to join the bottom column. For more information, see: Operators.


    Click to access the Advanced section of the configuration.


    Select the operator that you want to use. For more information, see: Operators.

Usage example

You have two data sets. The Universe column from the top and bottom data sets are the related columns that will allow us to merge the top and bottom nodes together.


The Join tool gives you a breakdown of your data sources and offers suggestions within the Row viewer to help you merge your data and get the results that you want:

  • Choose alternative or unique columns: This suggestion shows an overlay over the configuration, showing you what you could change to the selected join columns.

  • Duplicate rows: This suggestion adds the Unique tool between one or both of the incoming data sources if they have duplicate rows. One more both incoming data sources must have duplicate rows.

  • Clean tools: This suggestion shows you tools to clean the columns in the join conditions if the join results are blank.

  • Learn more: This suggestion takes you to the Join tool documentation.



Look up matching values in multiple selected columns in two data sets.

Look up matching values in multiple selected columns in two data sets. When the Lookup tool finds a match, the tool adds the values as new column(s) which appear in the output. The tool takes the lower value when there are multiple matches.

Input and output

To use this tool, you will need two sets of data, a main data set and a lookup data set. There are three fields to configure for the input:

  • The first field is the Top match column, which is the main data set.

  • The second field is the Bottom match column, which is the lookup data set.

  • The third field is the Column(s) to add to top, which is where you can select one or more columns from the bottom data set.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to look for a specified value in your data set.

Usage example

You want to match the Region code in the top and bottom data sets, and add the corresponding Chair of board and Number of schools columns. Here is an example of the top and bottom data sets and the output:

Table 26. Top data set


Region code

Number of students

Number of teachers

School board A




School board B




School board C




Table 27. Bottom data set

Region code

Chair of Board

Number of schools


Audrey Peters



Luz Reyes



Simon Green



Audrey Peters


Here is the output from the Lookup tool:

Table 28. Output


Region code

Number of students

Number of teachers

Chair of Board

Number of schools

School board A




Audrey Peters


School board B




Luz Reyes


School board C




Simon Green


Smart Matcher


The Smart Matcher is a smart fuzzy-matching tool that you can use to train a model to recognize matching data between two data sets.

The Smart Matcher is a smart fuzzy-matching tool that you can use to train a model to recognize matching data between two data sets.

Input and output

This tool takes two data sets. The top input is the imperfect data containing multiple rows that you want to match to a single row in the bottom data source. You can replace the top data set in later exports. The bottom input is the data set that contains unique IDs. This is the data used to match and join the two data sets. In practical terms, the top input is "messy" data that has incorrect or missing information in some columns. The bottom input is the data set that serves as an "answer key".

When configuring the tool, the Target column is used to match the "messy" data to the "answer key" data. The Matching columns help train the tool to correctly match the rows.

This tool joins the two data sets using a many-to-one method. Each row from the top input is mapped to, at most, one row from the bottom input. The output also adds a Probability column that shows the likelihood of the match being correct.

When to use this tool

Use this tool when you want to train a model to fuzzy-match data sets. The tool gets better at matching as you add more data and build the pipe.

Usage example

Let's say you have two data sets. The first contains transaction data of purchases made by customers. This information is entered manually, so there are some misspellings or missing information in some rows. The second data set contains customer or account information. This data set is the "answer key" where each row represents a unique customer ID with no missing or incorrect information.

Without cleaning up the transaction data set, Sales Planning Integrations would treat a misspelled name and a correctly-spelled name as 2 different customers. We want to use the Smart Matcher to fuzzy-match those rows to the same customer ID. When you run the tool, it fuzzy-matches each row in the top data set to, at most, one row in the bottom data set.


For a more detailed explanation using a practical example, create a Smart Matcher Example blueprint from the Apps tab.



Add additional rows to your data by appending rows from another data set.

Add additional rows to your data by appending rows from another data set. This tool requires two data sets. The number of columns added depends on the number of matching columns shared by both data sets.

Input and output

Add two data sets to the Union tool. To use this tool, you need at least one matching column shared by both data sets.

When you build this tool, it appends matching columns from the second data set to the end of the first data set.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to combine data sets, but limit the number of columns to only those relevant to the first data set.

When you want to combine data sets without restrictions, use the Join tool instead.


Use the following configuration options to help create your unions.

Configuring the Union tool
  1. In , add your data sources.

  2. Click  +Add Tool.

  3. Click See all tools.

  4. In the search bar, search for Union. Click Add tool.


    You can also find the Union tool in the Combine section.

  5. Connect the tool to your data sets.


Use these tools to add, supplement, or export data.



Add data to your pipe.

Add data to your pipe.

You can add data from a file you've already imported or you can start a new import by using this tool.

When to use this tool

This is often the first step in building a new pipe if you're not using a connector.

In some cases, you can use this tool to bring in placeholder data until you can bring in data from another pipe using the Pipe tool.



Export results to another pipe builder or a connector.

Export results to another pipe builder or a connector.


If you don't have any connectors set up, you can still export your data into either a csv or excel file.

When to use this tool

There are two scenarios where you'll need to use Export:

  • When you want to use the data in another pipe.

  • When you want to export data to a connector like Incentives.


    If you are using a Sales Planning Integrations calculation in Incentives, use the Export to CSV option when you export.

Export data

With the Export tool, you can export your data to a connector or into a csv or excel file format.

Exporting your data
  1. In your pipe, add the Export tool.

  2. Click on the Export tool node.

  3. In the Connection drop-down, select where to export your data:

    • Output to CSV

    • Output to Excel

    • Any other previously set up connector.


    You can also set up a new connection. Click + New connection, and follow the prompts.

  4. Click Export now. Follow the wizard prompts to export your data.


    You can also schedule your exports. For more information, see Schedule data.Schedule data



Limit the number of rows in your data.

Limit the number of rows in your data. Starting from the first row in your data, the tool keeps the number of rows you specify.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to work with a sub-set of your data.


You can configure this tool without using the configuration menu.

In the Add tool menu, start typing the first few letters of the tool name and press tab to auto-complete. Then start typing the name of the column you want to use and press tab to auto-complete.



Generate more data or address classification problems in your data.

To address the imbalance in data, supplement the data with multiple copies of some of the minority classes.

A new column is added to indicate that Oversample generated the record.

When to use this tool

Use to generate more data or to address classification problems in your data.



Bring pipe logic from another pipe into the current pipe.

Bring pipe logic from another pipe into the current pipe. You can connect two or more data sources of your choice into the Pipe tool. The Pipe tool automatically maps the columns names after you connect the data sources.

Use the Pipe tool in both the Standard and Big pipes. Copy the pipe that you want to bring into a new pipe from the Pipe page, and use the Pipe tool to bring it in. For more information about copying a pipe, see: Copy a pipe.Copy a pipe


You cannot bring data from a Standard pipe into a Big pipe and you cannot bring data from a Big pipe into a Standard pipe. For example, in the Standard pipe, you will only see Standard pipe options available in the pipe configuration drop-down menu.

Input and output

The number of inputs feeding into the Pipe tool must be the same, and you can bring in any data sources of your choice. Ensure that you connect all of your data sources in the Pipe tool. Automatic column mapping is based on column names.

If the column names or column types are different, you must manually map the columns in a provided form.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to bring in data from another pipe or re-use a portion of pipe logic in more than one workbench.


When building pipes, anything connected by a Pipe tool will be built together.

Configuring the Pipe tool
  1. Click + Tool on the toolbar.

  2. Type or search for Pipe tool. Click Add tool.

  3. In the configuration pane, click the Pipe name drop-down menu.

  4. Select the pipe that you want to use. In the Pipe name field, you can preview the pipe or open the pipe in a new window.

  5. In the Pipe inputs field, click Connect to input for each node.


    By default, the nodes are not automatically connected. You must connect each input.

  6. In the Configure connection pane, configure the following fields:

    1. In the Source drop-down menu, select the tool source from the pipe that you want to use.

    2. In the Target field, select the target for the input.

  7. In the Map columns to target field, use the toggle in the off position to display all columns, including unmapped columns, or turn the toggle on to conceal the mapped columns.

  8. Click Done.

Usage example

Let's say you want to bring an output from pipe "Function" into your current pipe, "Sandbox". There are three things you need to make sure of:

  1. "Function" begins with a placeholder data set, and ends with an Export tool.

  2. Pipes "Function" and "Sandbox" have the same number of inputs and outputs. If there is one input to the Pipe tool in "Sandbox", there should be one placeholder data set in "Function".

  3. The placeholder data sets in "Function" share the same column names and types as the inputs to the Pipe tool in "Sandbox".

Pipe tool upgrade

If you are using an older version of the pipe tool, you may be prompted to upgrade to the latest version. Upgrading can enhance your experience and unlock new features.

However, there is a warning when you are prompted to upgrade. Some of your existing configurations may not transfer over to the latest pipe tool version. These configurations could be lost in the process.

  • If you want to move to the newest version, you can click Continue to proceed with the switch to the new Pipe tool.

  • If you don't want to continue and potentially lose some of your pipe tool configurations, you can click Cancel.



Randomly select a smaller number of rows from your data.

Randomly select a smaller number of rows from your data.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to work with a smaller sample of your data.


You can configure this tool without using the configuration menu.

In the Add tool menu, start typing the first few letters of the tool name and press tab to auto-complete. Then start typing the name of the column you want to use and press tab to auto-complete.

Sample customers


Add sample customer data to your pipe to explore the pipe builder.

Add sample customer data to your pipe.


This sample data set is a great way to explore the customer churn app before you're ready to use your own data.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to explore the pipe builder and aren't ready to use your own data set.



Save a copy of your data based on the last calculation.

Save a copy of your data based on the last calculation. When you export a pipe with new data, the snapshot stays the same.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to keep a historical record of your data.

You can also use this as a way to save a data set state before you transform the data.



To address imbalance in data labels, reduce majority classes to minority class.

To address imbalance in data labels, reduce majority classes to minority class.


Only use if you have a sufficient amount of data. With small data sets, you can lose useful data by undersampling.

When to use this tool

Use to address classification problems in your data.

US income


Add US income data based on county or state.

Add US income data based on county or state.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to add income data to your data set.

US population


Join US population data on county or state to your data.

Join US population data on county or state to your data.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to add population information to your data set.


You'll use these tools to understand and make predictions with your data.

Assignment optimization


Optimize the value of items in one data set when assigning from one data set to another.

Optimize the value of items in one data set when assigning from one data set to another. For example, effectively balancing and designating accounts to a list of sellers.

Input and output

To use this tool, you need two data sets. The top node is the main data source, containing the items to be assigned, such as account IDs. The bottom node is the supporting data source containing the assignees, such as seller names.

When to use this tool

Use this tool to identify a way to distribute data from one set of data to another. For example, you want to assign sellers to sales accounts. Each account has a specific number of potential sales. You want to distribute the accounts in a way that each seller receives a fair amount of potential sales.


You can also choose to optimize by groups, instead of filtering each group and running the optimization tool separately. For example, you have a group of sellers and a set of accounts which are distributed in different countries. You want to assign accounts to sellers in the same country.

To group the data, you need two data sets. For the seller and accounts example, you would have an account data set and a seller data set. Both data sets must have a Region column, and the data would be the same in both data sets, such as US, CAN and MEX.

How to use this tool

Enter the following information to configure the tool:

Table 29. Assignment Optimization



Column to assign

Select the column from the top data set containing the items to assign, such as accounts or tasks.

Assign to

Select the column in the bottom data set for the assignees. For example, the sellers that receive the accounts or tasks from the Columns to assign field. The values in this column are the names that items can be assigned to.

Value to optimize

Select the column from the top data set containing the numerical values to optimize. This column is your objective. For example, this field could be the seller suitability scores for a seller-account pairing, or the potential revenue from an account.

For each

Select the shared columns between the two data sets to optimize as a group. If there is no shared columns, a message of No shared column name.

Multiple values per item

Toggle this field to specify that there unique values for each item-assignee pairing . The value name option allows you to select the mapping column from the top data set that specifies which assignee the numerical value in the Value to optimize column refers to. This mapping column acts as the joining key to ensure the correct assignee name is associated with that numerical value. For example, you could have multiple driving distance values for an account, depending on which seller it is assigned to. The value names column would be the one that specifies what seller distance the number in your objective column refers to.

All items to be a part of optimize outcome

Toggle this field to make all items from Column to assign be part of the outcome. If left unselected, some items could be left unassigned, if it best optimizes the objective.

Optimize by

Select the option to optimize the objective by. Choose from Minimize, Maximize or Balance.

Time limit

Assign a time limit to the optimization in minutes or hours. Sales Planning Integrations returns the best outcome it finds in the allotted time, and provides a message with what kind of solution it is. The output is more likely to be an optimal solution the longer the tools runs. We recommend starting with a short duration to test the data, such as three minutes.

Assignment locks

Select this option if you have a column in the top data set that predefines some assignments to use. Sales Planning Integrations uses these assignments as constraints. For example, this column could contain seller names for the few accounts that have long-standing relationships with that seller, and must not be reassigned.

Set constraints

Select columns from the top data set to use as constraints along with a minimum and maximum value. Click the + Constraint button, to select a column name and then set the lower and upper thresholds on the total value of this column assigned to any one assignee. For example, you may want to balance seller suitability scores when assigning accounts, but you want no seller to have more than 5,000 kms in total driving distance.



Train the model to predict a column with a fixed set of values.

Train the model to predict a column with a fixed set of values.

This tool looks at all the available classifier tools and picks the best one.


The speed and quality slider is more of a spectrum. This setting determines the number of machine learning models considered. Models that do not support the training data are automatically excluded.

This tool adds two columns to your data: a prediction and a probability. The probability is the likelihood that the prediction is accurate.

When you run the tool, the data is automatically split: 80% of the data is used for training. The remaining 20% is used for testing. Each model being considered is trained and evaluated to select the one with the best score. This is done 5 times to predict the test values (the 20% of your data). The final score is the average of all 5 scores.


You can configure this tool without using the configuration menu.

In the Add tool menu, start typing the first few letters of the tool name and press tab to auto-complete. Then start typing the name of the column you want to use and press tab to auto-complete.

Data profile chart visuals

From the Row viewer, you can access the Data profile link to open the column details and compare column visuals.

From the Row viewer, you can access the Data profile link to open the column details and compare column visuals. The results are available when you select one of the Classifier, Predictor or Regressor tools.

Accessing Data profile from the Row viewer
  1. In your selected pipe, go to the Row viewer.

  2. Click on the Data profile link in the row viewer.

    The Data profile page opens with column details and compare column visuals.


If you have an explainable tool upstream, you can still get an error message with one of the following issues:

  • The schema has changed in the export. For example, a missing column or an extra column is present.

  • There are multiple explainable tools in the pipe upstream.

  • The pipe changed and the calculation is now invalid.

If there is no Data profle link, there is no explainable tool selected in the pipe upstream.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to predict values.

What is Smart exclude?

Following a successful build using the Classifier tool, Smart exclude identifies and automatically excludes columns that don’t help predict the target column. Smart exclude will only consider columns not already manually excluded. If you want to disable this setting to troubleshoot, test, or run a calculation that is taking too long, go to the Advanced settings under the Configure tab.

How to read the data in this tool

In the row viewer, there are three tabs: Data, Stats and Tool.

The Data tab consists of your imported data. View all of the imported data in one spot.

The Stats tab consists of the statistics for your data. View all of the top values for each column.

The Tool tab is a visualization of additional insight into the tool and the data. The following columns are available:

  • Accuracy score: Displays the score based on your data set.

  • Advanced score: Displays a baseline average and the actual score for accuracy, precision, recall, F-1, and area under ROC curve.

  • Column importance: Displays the columns in order of importance.

  • Smart excluded: Displays the columns that don't predict the target column.

Underlying data

In the row viewer, on the Tool tab, there is feature called Underlying data. Click to expand and explore information about your model. The data answers the following questions for your model:

  • How good is your model? This matrix helps explain the strengths and weaknesses of your model.

  • How balanced is your model? This section explains how a well-balanced model is more robust and does not have an overly significant impact from a single column. The visual shows how balanced the top 10 columns are.

  • What is my model using to make predictions? This section shows which columns are used to make predictions and the reasons why.


Confusion matrix


Compare the actual values in your data against predicted values in a confusion matrix to understand how your model is performing.

Takes a set of classification predictions and produces a 2x2 confusion matrix. A confusion matrix compares the actual values in your data against the predicted values. In a 2x2 matrix, you'll see:

  • true positives, where the actual value and predicted value are both true.

  • true negatives, where the actual value and predicted value are both false.

  • false positives, where the actual value was false but the prediction was true.

  • false negatives, where the actual value was true but the prediction was false.

When to use this tool

A confusion matrix can help you understand how your model is performing.



Pick a forecasting model and train it to predict future values of a numeric column.

Pick a forecasting model and train it to predict future values of a numeric column.


The speed and quality slider is more of a spectrum. This setting determines the number of machine learning models considered. Models that do not support the training data are automatically excluded.

When you run the Forecast tool, you make a model capable of in-sample predictions. Sales Planning Integrations then creates predictions for the dates in the available data. Finally, using both the actual and the predicted data, Sales Planning Integrations computes the error score. For more information about error scores, read: Scores.Scores

Configuring the Forecast tool
  • In the Forecast tool configuration pane, enter the following information for each field:



    Forecast type

    Select the forecast type to use. If you are unsure which type to use, select Automatic, which chooses the best available forecasting model. Learn more...

    Forecast value column

    Select the column from your dataset to use to forecast.

    Date column

    Select the date column to use.


    Select the frequency of the time period, such as daily, monthly, yearly and so on.

    (Advanced) Use multiple columns

    Turn on to use the multivariate forecast. Learn more...

    (Advanced) Static attributes

    Select the columns to use with static attributes. This is useful when using the For Each feature.

    (Advanced) Exclude columns

    Select the columns to exclude from the forecast.

    (Advanced) Smart Exclude

    Select the checkbox to have the tool exclude columns from the forecast.

    (Advanced) New column name

    Enter a name for the new column.

    (Advanced) Number of periods

    Select the number of periods to use.

    (Advanced) Speed/Quality slider

    Use the slider to select using speed or quality for the output of your forecast.

    (Advanced) For Each

    Optionally select for more control over how Sales Planning Integrations forecasts your data. Learn more...

    (Advanced) Ignore subgroup limit

    Select to override the limit of 10 groups, and allows any number of forecasts to be built. Learn more...

    The tool is configured.

Forecasting models
  • Automatic: Picks the best available forecasting model. It trains the model to predict future values of a numeric column.

  • ARIMA: Short for "Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average". It applies Auto Regressive and Moving Average models to time series data to predict the future.

  • Linear Regressive: Identifies underlying trends. It draws a straight line through data points to minimize the distances between data points and the resulting trend line.

  • Prophet: Forecasts time series data by incorporating non-linear trends, weekly, daily seasonality, and holiday effects into its additive model. Use this for time series with strong seasonal effects and multiple seasons of historical data.

  • Seasonal ARIMA: An extension of ARIMA. It supports univariate time series data with a seasonal component.

  • Exp Smoothing: Assigns greater weighting to more recent observations. This smoothes out time series data using the exponential window function to make predictions.

  • Simple Exp Smoothing: The simplest of the exponentially smoothing methods. Use this to forecast data with no clear trend or seasonal pattern.

Input and output

To use this tool, you must include:

  • A date column.


    During configuration, you can use the Automatic option where the tool decides the best available date column to use.

  • A value column.

  • A frequency, which refers to the frequency of the time periods used in the date column.

The results will forecast for that number of periods according to the frequency you select.

You can opt to use the Automatic feature in the Advanced configuration section. The Automatic feature decides the best available settings to use in the following categories:

  • Trend type

  • Seasonal type

  • Seasonal periods

The forecast tool outputs numeric values.

For each

Optionally, fill in the For each field for more control over how Sales Planning Integrations forecasts your data. When you select a column to analyze by, Sales Planning Integrations might make different predictions for each group. 

For example, let's say you have a data set with four columns: seller ID, pay component, payout, date. If you want to forecast a seller's payout, it would be useful to analyze this by pay component. Sales Planning Integrations takes this into account and gives more nuanced results that take pay component over time into consideration. This can also help give better results if the number of rows differs between pay components.


Due to the computational intensity of building multiple forecasts for each group, by default this feature is limited to splitting the data into 10 groups. If the selection in the For Each field would make more than 10 subgroups, the configuration will be ignored.

Ignore subgroup limit

Optionally, the Ignore subgroup limit option overrides the limit of 10 groups, and allows any number of forecasts to be built.


Using this option might cause the pipe to take an extremely long time to build.

Multivariate forecasting

Use by adding other columns in your forecasts, instead of using only trends for the output. Toggle on the Use multiple columns to activate multivariate forecasting.

Multivariate forecasting uses all forecasters and all train types are applicable.


Using this option might cause the pipe to take a long time to build.

The output for multivariate forecasting includes the original columns from your data set and forecasts the data forwards. Bottom rows in the forecast data are based on new data.


You can view the data collected by these forecasting models in the Forecasting Chart, a visual chart representation of your forecasting data.

Monte Carlo


The Monte Carlo tool simulates possible outcomes from a random sampling of your data to predict a probability of outcome.


The Monte Carlo tool is only available to users on Varicent AI plans.

The Monte Carlo tool simulates possible outcomes from a random sampling of your data to predict a probability of outcome. Input your historical data source or define your assumptions, outputs and scenarios, and you'll get a clearer understanding of the probabilities of best-case scenarios, worse-case scenarios and everything in between. This ultimately gives you more informed decisions based on your risk tolerance.

You can obtain a range of sales forecasts by modeling it based on various assumptions defined in the simulation. This can be valuable for budgeting, resource allocation, and setting realistic targets.

When to use this tool

Use this tool when you want to run simulations, so you will be able to make better business decisions and understand the range and probabilities of outcomes of each scenario.


A data source is optional for the Monte Carlo tool. If you do not use a data source, you can only use the Define distribution assumption type.


There are two tool tabs, Configuration and Simulation.

Single and multiple scenarios
  1. In your pipe, click add_to_dashboard.png Add tool.

  2. Click See all tools.

  3. In the search bar, search for Monte Carlo. Click Add tool.


    You can also find the Monte Carlo tool in the Learn section.

  4. On the Configuration pane, enter the following information:


    By default, the tool is in single scenario mode.




    By default, it is off and in single scenario mode. Click to enable for multiple scenarios.

    A scenario is a set of assumptions and outputs that defines a unique simulation.

    With multiple scenarios, you change how you want to define each assumption and output.


    You can have different definitions and calculations for each assumption and output, but you must ensure that they are named the same as the other assumptions and outputs.


    Enter the name of the assumption. By default, the assumption type is automatic.

    An assumption automatically will fit a distribution based on your historical data, or you can define it manually.

    Assumption type

    Select the assumption type from the drop-down menu:

    • Automatic: Use this assumption type to learn the distribution from your historical data and use the parameters from the learnt distribution to simulate data.


      This assumption type employs the parametric method. Data originates from a distribution characterized by a specific set of parameters. For more information, see Parametric.

    • Define distribution: Use this assumption type to manually set distribution and simulate data.


    Select the column from your data source. This is for the Automatic assumption type.

    Distribution type

    Select the distribution type from the drop-down menu:

    • Normal

    • Triangular

    • Uniform

    • Weibull

    • Poisson

    • Binomial

    This is for the Define distribution assumption type.

    (Optional) Set constraints

    Set minimum and maximum constraints.

    Outputs and Formulas

    Enter the name of the output.

    Outputs and formulas are where you use your assumptions to calculate an outcome.

  5. (Optional) On the Configuration pane, click the Scenarios toggle to add multiple scenarios.


    Multiple scenarios groups assumptions and outputs into Scenario 1. Then, you can start configuring Scenario 2. By default, Scenario 2 is set up with the same configuration settings as Scenario 1.

    Ensure that you have the same number of assumptions and outputs for each scenario. For example, Scenario 1 has three assumptions and two outputs. This means that Scenario 2 must have three assumptions and two outputs.

    The name of the assumption and the outputs must also be the same for all scenarios. For example, in Scenario 1, you have "Assumption 1" as a name. In your Scenario 2, you must have an "Assumption 1".

  6. (Optional) On the Configuration pane, click + Add to add another assumption or output. Follow the configuration to set up.

  7. Click the Simulation tab for the Simulation configuration pane.

  8. On the Simulation pane, enter the following information:



    Number of simultations

    Enter the number of times to run the simulation.

    You will get more accurate results by running more simulations. However, the simulation will take longer to run.

    (Optional) Number of instances

    Enter the number of instances to run. The default number is set to 1.

    If you leave the number blank, the configuration will set the number of instances to Automatic.

    An instance is one outcome produced during a simulation; a simulation can consist of one or more instances.

  9. Build your pipe, then review the simulation results in the Row viewer.

    In the tool window of the Row viewer, you will see a summary of the assumptions and outputs. You can drill further into the details where you can see a table of summary statistics and a histogram showing the distribution of the variable. Within the summary statistics, there is a confidence interval.

Usage examples

Use the Monte Carlo tool to make data-driven decisions. For example, if you are a sales organization with hundreds sales people, you would like to get an idea of what the company will be potentially spending during the compensation process. All of the sales people have different attainment levels. Using the Monte Carlo tool, you can see what the potential outcome will be for individual employees. This would indicate how much you could potentially spend during the compensation cycle.

Gender Classifier


Estimates the likelihood of a name historically being associated with men or women.

Estimates the likelihood of a name historically being associated with men or women.

Input and output

To use this tool, you need a text column.

The tool adds two columns to your data: a binary gender estimate ("male" or "female") and a probability column. The probability columns shows the likelihood of the estimate being correct.

When to use this tool

You can use this tool when you need demographic information and have no other way to get that data. For example, let's say you want to use the Gender Pay app but don't have gender information in your data source. You can use this tool to get an approximate idea of gender distribution, which you can use to help you determine pay equity in your organization. Be careful when using this tool since it's only an estimate.


This training data used by this tool comes from these sources: Dbpedia Person Data (direct download); Popular baby names in the US; and Names data set curated by Milos Bejda. It was last updated with data from 2017. You could use the Text Classifier tool instead to train your own model to estimate this type of information using historic data that is more appropriate to your use case.

Usage example

In this example, we start with a data set that looks like this:


Liam Gonzalez

Alejandro Hernandez

Earl Cooley

Isis Roberts

Imogen Eaton

Herbert Rees

Ava-Rose Floyd

George Carty

Geoffrey Robinson

Travis Stephenson

After running the tool, there are two new columns in the data set:




Liam Gonzalez


0.984 215 795 993 804 9

Alejandro Hernandez


0.998 553 931 713 104 2

Earl Cooley


0.937 227 010 726 928 7

Isis Roberts


0.984 409 387 223 422 5

Imogen Eaton


0.808 390 051 126 480 1

Herbert Rees


0.999 955 415 725 708

Ava-Rose Floyd


0.999 999 992 828 745 3

George Carty


0.986 132 025 718 689

Geoffrey Robinson


0.997 940 957 546 234 1

Travis Stephenson


0.989 474 117 755 889 9



Train the model to predict a column with a fixed set of values.

Train the model to predict a column with a fixed set of values.

This tool considers all classification modelling tools and regression modelling tools. Sales Planning Integrations uses the tool with the best score to make a prediction.


The speed and quality slider is more of a spectrum. This setting determines the number of machine learning models considered. Models that do not support the training data are automatically excluded.

This tool adds two columns to your data: a prediction and a probability. The probability is the likelihood that the prediction is accurate.

When you run the tool, the data is automatically split: 80% of the data is used for training. The remaining 20% is used for testing. Each model being considered is trained and evaluated to select the one with the best score. This is done 5 times to predict the test values (the 20% of your data). The final score is the average of all 5 scores.


You can configure this tool without using the configuration menu.

In the Add tool menu, start typing the first few letters of the tool name and press tab to auto-complete. Then start typing the name of the column you want to use and press tab to auto-complete.

Data profile chart visuals

From the Row viewer, you can access the Data profile link to open the column details and compare column visuals.

From the Row viewer, you can access the Data profile link to open the column details and compare column visuals. The results are available when you select one of the Classifier, Predictor or Regressor tools.

Accessing Data profile from the Row viewer
  1. In your selected pipe, go to the Row viewer.

  2. Click on the Data profile link in the row viewer.

    The Data profile page opens with column details and compare column visuals.


If you have an explainable tool upstream, you can still get an error message with one of the following issues:

  • The schema has changed in the export. For example, a missing column or an extra column is present.

  • There are multiple explainable tools in the pipe upstream.

  • The pipe changed and the calculation is now invalid.

If there is no Data profle link, there is no explainable tool selected in the pipe upstream.

When to use this tool

Use this when you want to make a prediction, but you're unfamiliar with classification and regression modelling tools. After you're comfortable with the difference between those tools, switch to using the Regressor or Classifier tool.

What is Smart exclude?

Following a successful build using the Predictor tool, Smart exclude identifies and automatically excludes columns that don’t help predict the target column. Smart exclude will only consider columns not already manually excluded. If you want to disable this setting to troubleshoot, test, or run a calculation that is taking too long, go to the Advanced settings under the Configure tab.



Train the model to predict a column with many possible values.

Train the model to predict a column with many possible values.

This tool looks at all the available regressor tools and picks the best one.


The speed and quality slider is more of a spectrum. This setting determines the number of machine learning models considered. Models that do not support the training data are automatically excluded.

This tool adds two columns to your data: a prediction and a probability. The probability is the likelihood that the prediction is accurate.

When you run the tool, the data is automatically split: 80% of the data is used for training. The remaining 20% is used for testing. Each model being considered is trained and evaluated to select the one with the best score. This is done 5 times to predict the test values (the 20% of your data). The final score is the average of all 5 scores.


You can configure this tool without using the configuration menu.

In the Add tool menu, start typing the first few letters of the tool name and press tab to auto-complete. Then start typing the name of the column you want to use and press tab to auto-complete.

Data profile chart visuals

From the Row viewer, you can access the Data profile link to open the column details and compare column visuals.

From the Row viewer, you can access the Data profile link to open the column details and compare column visuals. The results are available when you select one of the Classifier, Predictor or Regressor tools.

Accessing Data profile from the Row viewer
  1. In your selected pipe, go to the Row viewer.

  2. Click on the Data profile link in the row viewer.

    The Data profile page opens with column details and compare column visuals.


If you have an explainable tool upstream, you can still get an error message with one of the following issues:

  • The schema has changed in the export. For example, a missing column or an extra column is present.

  • There are multiple explainable tools in the pipe upstream.

  • The pipe changed and the calculation is now invalid.

If there is no Data profle link, there is no explainable tool selected in the pipe upstream.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to predict values.

Regressors solve continuous value problems. For example, if the values in the target column are 1 and 6, the predicted answer could be 5.

What is Smart exclude?

Following a successful build using the Regressor tool, Smart exclude identifies and automatically excludes columns that don’t help predict the target column. Smart exclude will only consider columns not already manually excluded. If you want to disable this setting to troubleshoot, test, or run a calculation that is taking too long, go to the Advanced settings under the Configure tab.

Performance measures

You can select a model performance measure that dictates how Sales Planning Integrations selects a winning model. The performance measures that you can choose from are:

  • Automatic: Select this measure to let Sales Planning Integrations choose for you.

  • Pearson Correlation: How correlated the predictions are to the actual labels being predicted. The higher the better (maxes at 1).

  • Mean Absolute Error: How close each guess is to the actual value on average.

  • Root Mean Squared Error: How close each guess is to the actual value on average. A square operation is used to punish larger differences more.

  • Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error: An accuracy measure based on percentage (or relative) errors. Relative error is the absolute error divided by the magnitude of the exact value and will be scaled to 0-2.

How to read the data in this tool

In the row viewer, there are three tabs: Data, Stats and Tool.

The Data tab consists of your imported data. View all of the imported data in one spot.

The Stats tab consists of the statistics for your data. View all of the top values for each column.

The Tool tab is a visualization of additional insight into the tool and the data. The following columns are available:

  • Column importance: Displays the columns in order of importance.

  • Smart excluded: Displays the columns that don't predict the target column.

Full details

In the row viewer, on the Tool tab, there is a feature called Full details. Click to expand and explore more information about your model.

Random number generator


Generate random numbers to analyze potential scenarios with the Random number generator tool.


The Random number generator tool is not widely available yet. If you want this feature, contact Varicent Support.

Generate random numbers to analyze potential scenarios with the Random number generator tool. The tool helps you understand the distribution of historical data, modify that distribution and explore scenarios and impact of changes.

When to use this tool

Use the Random number generator tool when you want to run simulations, so you will be able to make better business decisions and understand the range and probabilities of outcomes of each scenario.


The Random number generator tool requires one data input.


Use the following configuration options to help randomize your data.

Configuring the Random number generator tool
  1. In the pipe builder, add your data source.

  2. Click symon_add_icon.png +Add Tool.

  3. Click See all tools.

  4. In the search bar, search for Random number generator. Click Add tool.


    You can also find the Random number generator tool in the Learn section.

  5. Connect the tool to your data set.

  6. In the configuration pane, enter the following information:

    Table 30. Random number generator tool configuration



    Exclude duplicate rows (Optional)

    Select a column containing unique IDs to to remove duplicate rows from simulation.


    This field could be filled out when the Random number generator tool is added to the pipe after the Repeat tool.


    Enter a name for your randomization, or leave the default, Randomize1, Randomize2, and so on.

    Randomization method

    Select the randomization method, either Learned or Defined.

    • Learned method: The tool automatically selects the distribution type and learns the data.

      Find this distribution in the Tool tab after you build.

    • Defined method: You manually select the distribution type and learn the data from your configurations.

    Learned distribution column

    Select a numerical column to use when using the Learned method.

    Distribution type (Defined)

    Select the distribution type from the drop-down menu to specify the mathematical model defining how input variables uncertainties are represented:

    • Normal

    • Triangular

    • Uniform

    • Weibull

    • Poisson

    • Binomial

    Enter the constraints for your selected distribution type.

    Advanced section


    Enter the constraints for the minimum value of the random number generated.


    Enter the constraints for the maximum value of the random number generated.

    Group by

    (Optional) Select Group by to group your data by selected columns.


    You cannot select the column that you selected in Exclude duplicate rows or Learned distribution column.

  7. Build your pipe, then review the simulation results in the Row viewer Tool tab.

Usage example

Use the Random number generator tool to make data-driven decisions based on scenario planning. For example, if you are a sales organization with hundreds sales people, you would like to get an idea of what the company will be potentially spending during the compensation process. All of the sales people have different attainment levels. Using the Random number generator tool, you can see what the potential outcome will be for individual employees. This would indicate how much you could potentially spend during the compensation cycle.



Segment data to discover what affects the target column.

Segment data to discover what affects the target column.

Input and output

When you use this tool, the results are displayed right away. There will be two outbound nodes: one that displays the segmented results set, and another that displays a description of the segments.

The Tool window displays a breakdown of the data and gives insights in a visual form.

When to use this tool

This tool can help you understand segments in terms of feature values and the segment relations to the target column value.

Text classifier


Train the model to label text columns from examples.

Train the model to label text columns from examples.

This tool looks at all the available text classifier tools and picks the best one.


The speed and quality slider is more of a spectrum. This setting determines the number of machine learning models considered. Models that do not support the training data are automatically excluded.

This tool adds two columns to your data: a prediction and a probability. The probability is the likelihood that the prediction is accurate.

When you run the tool, the data is automatically split: 80% of the data is used for training. The remaining 20% is used for testing. Each model being considered is trained and evaluated to select the one with the best score. This is done 5 times to predict the test values (the 20% of your data). The final score is the average of all 5 scores.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to predict values.

Text grade level


Returns text grade level for the specified text column.

Returns text grade level for the specified text column.

You can select all or some of these methods to determine grade level:

  • Automated Readability Index

  • Coleman-Liau Index

  • Dale-Chall Readability score

  • Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level

  • Gunning Fog Formula

  • Linsear Write Formula

  • SMOG Index

When to use this tool

Use when you want to find out the reading level for text. It works best if your text values are full sentences.

Text sentiment


Use text sentiment to get a general idea of a subjective measure of text values.

Categorizes writing as one of these sentiments:

  • Negative, represented as -1

  • Neutral, represented as 0

  • Positive, represented as 1

This tool also adds a subjectivity score.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to get a general idea of a subjective measure of text values.

Usage example

You can run this tool against a text column that contains product reviews. This will give you a sense of whether a product is generally reviewed positively or negatively.


You'll use these tools when you need to label and change the layout of data.



Rename and change a column type in one step.

Rename and convert column type in one step.


Each column must have a unique name. If you choose a name that already exists, then the tool adds a numbered suffix to the existing column name (for example, 'Name' becomes 'Name 2').

When to use this tool

Use this tool when you want to both rename a column and change its type. This can be useful for reducing complexity in your pipe, since it combines the Rename and Change type tools into one tool instead.



Group numeric values into categories.

Group numeric values into categories.

There are 2 ways to divide columns: quantile and interval. By default, your data is automatically grouped based on the number of bins you specify. If you want to define the bins manually, toggle the Auto button off.

Here's how the different options work:

  • Quantile. Equally divide values into bins. Each bin has an equal number of records, but the value range in each bin will be different. Returns the bin and the bin midpoint.

  • Interval. Equally divide a range of values into bins. The number of records in each bin will vary, but the value range in each bin is the same. Returns the bin and the bin midpoint.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to organize a column into categories.

Change case


Change text columns to upper or lower case.

Change text columns to upper or lower case.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to change the case of text values.

Change type


Change column type for specified columns to text, number, date, or boolean.

Change column type for specified columns to text, number, date, or boolean.

You can change the column type for multiple columns. Each column will be changed to the same new type.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to change value types.


The Change type tool requires one data input.


Use the following configuration options to change your column type.

Configuring the Change type
  1. In , add your data source.

  2. Click symon_add_icon.png +Add Tool.

  3. Click See all tools.

  4. In the search bar, search for Change type. Click Add tool.


    You can also find the Change type tool in the Organize section.

  5. Connect the tool to your data set.

  6. In the configuration pane, enter the following information:

    Table 31. Change type tool configuration



    Target columns

    Select the target columns from your data source.

    Change to

    Select they type to change the column to. Choose from Text, Number, Date or Boolean.

Date format


Change one or more columns from Text to Date or from Date to Text.

Change one or more columns from Text to Date or from Date to Text.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to change a date column to text or change a text column to a date.


The Date format tool requires one data input.


Use the following configuration options to help create your Date format configuration.

Configuring the Date format tool
  1. In , add your data source.

  2. Click symon_add_icon.png +Add Tool.

  3. Click See all tools.

  4. In the search bar, search for Date format. Click Add tool.


    You can also find the Date format tool in the Organize section.

  5. Connect the tool to your data set.

  6. In the configuration pane, enter the following information:

    Table 32. Date format tool configuration



    Target column

    Select the column to change, from a date column to text or change a text column to a date.

    New format

    Select the date format to use:

    • dd-mm-yy

    • dd-mm-yyyy

    • mm-dd-yyyy

    • yyyy-mm-dd

    • Custom


      If you select Custom, you must enter the custom format in the field. For more information, see Custom date format pattern.

Custom date format pattern

Use the following list of format codes that can be used for a custom pattern:

Table 33. Custom date format





This code abbreviates the weekday names.

Sun, Mon, ..., Sat


This code formats weekday names as the full name.

Sunday, Monday, ..., Saturday


This code formats the day of the month as a number.

01, 02, ..., 31


This code abbreviates the month name.

Jan, Feb, ..., Dec


This code formats the month names as the full name.

January, February, ..., December


This code formats a year with a century.



This code formats the date and time in en_US, based on locale.

Fri 21 Apr 2023 10:55:21 AM Eastern European Summer Time


his code formats the short date, equivalent to %m/%d/%y in en_US.



This code formats the short date, equivalent to %Y-%m-%d in en_US.



This code formats the hour in a 24-hour format.



This code abbreviates the month format.



This code formats the hour in a 12-hour format.



This code formats the day of the year.



This code formats the hour in a 24-hour format.



This code formats the milliseconds, to three digits.



This code formats the time to the minute.



This code formats the month as a number.

01, 02, ..., 12


This code adds newline character. (`\n')



This code formats the month as an ordinal.

1st, 2nd, 3rd, …


This code formats an am or pm selection in uppercase.



This code formats an am or pm selection in lowercase.

am, pm


This code formats 12-hour time, equivalent to %H:%M in en_US, based on locale.

02:45:02 PM


This code formats 12-hour time, equivalent to %I:%M:%S %p in en_US, based on locale.

02:45:02 PM


This code formats the second in two digits (00-60).



This code formats Unix time.



This code formats the users time.



This code adds the horizontal-tab character (`\t`).



This code formats the week number, with Sunday as the first day of the week, in two digits. (00-53)



This code formats the weekday number, with Monday as the first day as 1 (1-7)



This code formats the short date, equivalent to %e-%b-%Y in en_US, based on locale.



This code formats the week number, with Monday as the first day of week one, in two digits. (00-53)



This code formats the weekday, with Sunday as the first day of the week. (0-6)



This code formats the time, equivalent to %T or %r in en_US, based on locale.



his code formats the date, equivalent to %D in en_US, based on locale.



This code formats a year without the century.

00, 01, ..., 99


This code formats a year with the century.

1999, 2000, ..., 2020


This code formats time zone name, replaced with an empty string if it is not found.

Eastern European Summer Time


This code formats the time zone offset from UTC, with a leading plus sign for UTC and ones east of UTC. Leading minus sign for zones west of UTC. Hours and minutes follow.


Example 1. Example of a custom pattern

%a, %b, %d formats to Sun-Jan-01.

Salesforce export usage

If you want to modify the date column and use it for export to Salesforce, you must use a specific format. Salesforce supports the following format: yyyy-mm-ddT00:00:00.000000Z.

Since the data set needs to be exported to Salesforce, if you use the Date format tool, ensure that configuration is custom: %Y-%m-%dT00:00:00.000000Z.

You can also leave the original format as-is if you don't want to use the Date format tool to format the date.



Create a hierarchical structure to organize your data.

Create a hierarchical structure to organize your data.

Input and output

To use this tool, you need an existing data set in your pipe.

When you export the data, it organizes the data according to the parent and child outputs that you have set. You can add up to ten parent-child relationships by adding child columns to the child of the previous parent-child hierarchy.

When to use this tool

Use to create a hierarchical structure, such as creating a hierarchy to organize the data for all geographical locations in a data set.


Configure each level by selecting a column for Key and a column for Name (optional). To name your top level, enter the name in the Top level name field.

If there are data issues in your input data that would break your hierarchy, a Hierarchy Error column is added to your data and a descriptive error shows next to the problematic data.

Preview returns results based on the first 10,000 rows of data. For data sets over 10,000 rows, build your pipe and switch from Preview to Last built to ensure that the entire data set is used to validate the hierarchy before cleaning your data.

Usage example

We want to create a hierarchy to organize the data for all locations listed in a data set. We can configure the hierarchy to define the following relationships:

  • Top level (Parent): Worldwide

    • Level 1:

      • Key: Country code

      • Name: Country name

    • Level 2:

      • Key: State or Province code

      • Name: State or Province name

    • Level 3:

      • Key: Zip code

      • Name: Zip or Postal code

    For example, we have a data set with all of the locations of an international organization, organized into a hierarchy:

Error messages

The Hierarchy tool can find the following errors in your data set:

  • Circular reference error: A higher-level value is trying to roll up to a lower-level value and vice versa. This error would appear in all records.

  • Duplicate key error: This key exists multiple times in the hierarchy. Ensure that each key only rolls up to one parent key and has a unique name. This error would appear in all records.

  • Multi-column error: Key exists in multiple columns. Ensure that each key is unique across all columns. This error would appear in all records.

Most common


Reduce the number of unique values in a data set.

Keeps the top common values in any number of selected columns. Changes the remaining values to a label you specify.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to reduce the number of unique values in a data set.

Usage example

Let's say you had a data set with 10 unique values in a column. If you type 5 in the Amount of values field, the tool keeps all records for the five most common values. Any values outside of the top five are changed to the new value you type in the Other label field.



Computes the specified quantile value between 0 and 1.

Computes the specified quantile value between 0 and 1.

Although this tool is called percentile, it actually uses quantile values. A quantile shows where a value falls based on the range of values. For example, 0.25 quantile = 25 percentile and .5 quantile = 50 percentile. Most of the time, you can think of quantiles as percentiles and you'll still be able to understand your data.


Don't confuse quantile with quartile! Quartiles divide values into 4 equal parts. For example, quartile 1 = 0.25 quantile = 25 percentile. A quartile is a type of quantile.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to understand the frequency of data by grouping values.

Usage example

Let's say we have data about customer service calls. We want to know the length of time of 95% of customer calls. Using this tool, we would input Quantile = .95 and name the new column. The output shows the time we want.



Compare values in your data by ranking rows according to the rules that you specify.

Rank rows according to rules you specify. You can rank in ascending or descending order.


Group by is an optional configuration setting.

How the tool handles ties is based on the ranking rules:

  • Rank. When there are ties, the next item in the sequence starts at the number of items before it. This means there will be a gap in the rankings.

  • Dense. When there are ties, there are no gaps for the next item in sequence.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to compare values.



Change the name of one or more of your columns.

Change the name of one or more of your columns.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to change the name of one or more columns.


You can configure this tool without using the configuration menu.

In the Add tool menu, start typing the first few letters of the tool name and press tab to auto-complete. Then start typing the name of the column you want to use and press tab to auto-complete.


The Rename tool requires one data input.


Use the following configuration options to create your Rename tool configuration.

Configuring the Rename tool
  1. In , add your data source.

  2. Click symon_add_icon.png +Add Tool.

  3. Click See all tools.

  4. In the search bar, search for Rename. Click Add tool.


    You can also find the Rename tool in the Organize section.

  5. Connect the tool to your data set.

  6. In the configuration pane, all of the columns in your data set appear. Rename the columns accordingly.



Reorganize the order of your columns in your data.

Change the order of columns in your data.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to reorganize columns so that your data is easier to work with.



Convert long-form data (many rows) to wide-form data (many columns) and vice versa.

Convert long-form data (many rows) to wide-form data (many columns) and vice versa.

When to use this tool

Use with the Forecast tool.


The Reshape tool requires one data input.


Use the following configuration options to help create your Reshape configuration.

Configuring the Reshape tool
  1. In , add your data source.

  2. Click symon_add_icon.png +Add Tool.

  3. Click See all tools.

  4. In the search bar, search for Reshape. Click Add tool.


    You can also find the Reshape tool in the Organize section.

  5. Connect the tool to your data set.

  6. In the configuration pane, enter the following information:

    Table 34. Reshape tool configuration



    Columns to rows - Rows to columns

    Toggle to switch to either turning columns into rows or rows into columns.

    Column to rows configuration

    Columns to row values

    Select the column(s) for rows.

    New label column name

    Enter the new name for the column.

    New value column name

    Enter the new value column name.

    Rows to columns configuration

    Label column

    Select the column(s) to label. Ensure that the column is unique from the Value column.

    Value column

    Select the value column. Ensure that the column is unique from the Label column.

    Row values to columns

    Type a label value and press Enter or pick a suggestion from the list provided.

Record ID


Add a unique numeric value to each row in your data set.

Add a unique numeric value to each row in your data set.

Input and output

To use this tool, you need an existing data set in your pipe.

When you export the data, it assigns a numeric value to every row in your data set starting from 0. This column is added as the last column in the data set.

When to use this tool

You can use this if you don't have any unique way to identify rows in your data set.



Sort your data based on the column that you specify.

Sorts data based on the column you specify.

You can sort in ascending or descending order.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to organize your data so you can better understand it.


The Sort tool requires one data input.


Use the following configuration options to help create your Sort configuration.

Configuring the Sort tool
  1. In , add your data source.

  2. Click symon_add_icon.png +Add Tool.

  3. Click See all tools.

  4. In the search bar, search for Sort. Click Add tool.


    You can also find the Sort tool in the Organize section.

  5. Connect the tool to your data set.

  6. In the configuration pane, enter the following information:

    Table 35. Sort tool configuration



    Sort criteria

    Sort by

    Select the column that you want to sort.

    Ascending - Descending

    Toggle to switch to sort your data either in ascending or descending order.

    + New sort criteria

    Click to add another sort criteria to your data.



Randomly divide a data set into two smaller sets determined by the percentage you specify.

Randomly divide a data set into 2 smaller sets determined by the percentage you specify.

You can see the top output in the row viewer.

The bottom node is the remainder of the data.

Input and output

To use this tool, you need an existing data set.

When you run the tool, it splits the data, giving you two output nodes to further transform your data.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to work with smaller sub-sets of your data.


Use the following configuration options to configure the Split tool.

Configuring the Split tool
  1. In your pipe, add your data source.

  2. Click symon_add_icon.png +Tool.

  3. In the search bar, search for Split. Click  symon_add_icon.png Add tool.


    You can also find the Split tool in the Organize section.

  4. Connect the tool to your data set.

  5. In the configuration pane, enter the top and bottom outputs, or use the slider to randomly divide your data into 2 smaller data sets.

Sales Performance

Use Sales Performance Management tools to aggregate your data for analytic purposes.

Period mapper


Use the Period mapper tool to map a date column in your data set into a calendar period.

Use the Period mapper tool to map a date column in your data set into a calendar period. This tool adds a new column in row viewer, displaying the time period that your data maps to.

The Period mapper only allows a default of a three-year time period. The tool will default to the three-year mark if you input a date outside that range.

Define the Start date, End date and Period type. Choose from the following calendar period types:

  • Months: A period of a calendar month, such as 30 days.

  • Half months: A period of exactly half a calendar month, such as 15 days.

  • 2 week periods: A period of 14 days.

  • 4 week periods: A period of 28 days.

  • Weekly periods: A period of seven days.


You can switch to different time periods at any time. The Period mapper automatically names the Time period names by default, but you can update these values at any time.

If you have an end date that is less than half the period, the Period mapper combines it into the previous period. If you have an end date that is more than half the period, the Period mapper puts it into a new period.

Any out of range dates appear in the period column as Out of range.

When to use this tool

Use the Period mapper to split your data to aggregate it for analytic purposes. The Period mapper supports a fiscal calendar year, so you can use this to align with your fiscal year.

Rule-Based Assignment


Assign values to transactions based on provided hierarchies and rules.

The Rule-Based Assignment tool analyzes the data sets based on the transactions and the rules in place for each transaction. Then it applies the rules and maps a value to the data set according to the rules. Gather your transactional data, define your geographical hierarchy and rules, and then run the tool. This tool sorts your transactional data into your hierarchy based on the hierarchy definitions and rules.

For example, you have sales data with transactional activities. You can define the rules for the sales transaction, such as what sales person is associated to each transaction or what territory the transaction is associated with.

You need three different types of data sets for the Rule-Based Assignment tool:

  • Data: Use data sets with transactional data, such as sales transactions.

    For example, a sales transaction structure could include the following information:

  • Hierarchy: Use a hierarchy data set with a chosen structure to organize your data, such as by employee structures, product categories, customer segments, or geographical regions.

    For example, the organizational chart represents a sales team with a Sales Director John Doe, at the top level. Reporting to the Sales Director are two Sales Managers, Jane Smith and Sarah Wilson. Each Sales Manager oversees a group of Sales Representatives. The Manager ID column indicates the ID of the employee's direct manager.

  • Rules: Use a data set with rules defined for your data, such as rules for a sales transaction to be assigned to a certain territory. These rules can be based on conditions, comparisons, or any other logic that aligns with your business requirements. For more information, see Create rules.

    For example, the rules could be If the salesperson resides in the Eastern region, assign the transaction to the East territory. If the salesperson resides in the Western region, assign the transaction to the West territory. If the salesperson resides in the Central region, assign the transaction to the Central territory.

Create rules

Create text-based rules in the editor of your choice, such as Excel or a text editor, and then import them into Sales Planning Integrations. Then, use these rules to apply and assign values to transactions.

In your rule data set, create a definition column, with the following syntax: Column(value). The (value) is the actual value or the ID of the value. For example, the value could be a territory, such as TER01, TER02, and so on. If you create a rule to assign geographies to different territories, you would use the following rule: 'geo' in ['1'].

For example, you have a rules data set with two rules to assign territories to:

  1. If the geography value is or is a descendant of Canada in the hierarchy, assign the value to Territory 1.

  2. If the geography value is Toronto, assign the value to Territory 2.

The data set for those rules would look something like this:


Use the following configuration options to help create your rules.

Configuring Rule-Based Assignment
  1. In your pipe, add the Data, Hierarchy and Rules data sets to use with the tool.

  2. Click symon_add_icon.pngAdd tool.

  3. Click See all tools.

  4. In the search bar, search for Rule-Based Assignment. Click Add tool.

  5. Connect the tool to your data sets.

  6. In the configuration pane, enter the following information:

    Table 36. Rule-Based Assignment configuration



    Data section fields

    Output Columns

    Specify any columns that you want to output without any data manipulation.

    Date Column

    Specify the desired columns for the output based date-effective hierarchies or rules.

    If you don't have any date-effective hierarchies or rules, you don't need to use this field.

    Match Leaves Only

    Select to enable if you want to apply hierarchy values, when rules are matching based on the hierarchy ids versus text.

    For example, using the product hierarchy, if the rule is product in ['d'], and a transaction had the product value as computers. The value computer is not a "leaf" hierarchy node, because it has a laptop and desktop as it's children in the hierarchy. This value wouldn't be considered to match the rule as it doesn't match the transaction.

    Hierarchy section fields

    Source Column

    Specify the column belonging to the hierarchy. For example, a sales team geography hierarchy, you could choose the Territory column.

    ID Column

    Specify the identifier column for the hierarchy node. For example, a sales team geography hierarchy, you could choose the Territory ID column.

    Parent Column

    Specify the parent column for the hierarchy node. For example, a sales team geography hierarchy, you could choose the Parent Territory ID column.

    By Value

    Select this option when you want the parent to be referred to by it's parent column value instead of by the parent ID.

    This configuration is related to the hierarchy parent column, id column and value column configurations. Depending how you generate your hierarchy files, the parent column could be referring to the hierarchy parent node by id or by value.

    For example, you would use the following hierarchy and select By Value: (id, value, parent):

    • (a, terr01, Canada)

    • (b, terr02, Toronto)

    • (c, terr03, North York)

    • (d, all,)

    Value Column

    Specify which column is specifying the hierarchy nodes value.

    Start Column

    Specify the date where the activities start.

    End Column

    Specify the date where the activities end.

    Attribute Columns

    Specify any attributes for the hierarchy. Different product hierarchies can have only product codes, and the hierarchy has attribute columns segments.

    For example, the hierarchy is id, value, parent, segment, with this it would look like this hierarchy: (0001, a, x, asset management), (0002, b ,y, insurance).

    Rules section fields

    Output Columns

    Specify the columns that you want to pass through from the rule to be included in the output.

    Definition Columns

    Specify the column that specifies the definition that sets the rule syntax.

    Multiple Values

    If a Split Column Alias is provided, it allows the multiple values and the following:

    • terr1:0.7,terr2:0.2,terr3:0.1

    • terr1:0.7,terr2:0.2,terr3

    Learn more...

    Value Column

    Specify which column is specifying the hierarchy nodes value.

    Precedence Columns

    Specify which set of rules are used first. For example, if a rule is present in two rule sets, and was matched in the first rule, it won't be matched in the second rule. Sort the precedence by ascending or descending columns.

    Start Column

    Specify the date where the rules start.

    End Columns

    Specify the date where the rules end.

    Output Unmapped

    Select to include any transactions not assigned to a rule in the output. Learn more...

    After you enter the configuration information, you can review the output in the row viewer.

Multiple Values

In the Rules section, if you select to enable the Multiple Values option, the tool parses the provided rule value column for multiple rule values. For example: TER01, TER02, TER03.

If you have a split column alias, it allows multiple values and split values. For example:

  • terr1:0.7,terr2:0.2,terr3:0.1

  • terr1:0.7, terr2:0.2,terr3

Multiple Values also has the following behavior:

  • If a data record matches the rule, the tool outputs a record for each of the values.

  • If you provide a split column alias, the tool adds a column with the provided alias. The values would be the specified split value per rule value.

    For example, "TER01":0.25, "TER02":0.25, and "TER03":0.5 would output a record with each of the rule values (TER01, TER02, TER03) with their respective split values (0.25, 0.25, 0.5).

Hierarchy Attributes

In the Hierarchy section, there are hierarchy attributes to configure to indicate which columns in the hierarchy input data are attributes.

You can create rules specified to match attributes, such as:

  • Text: 'column' 'text' in ["a", "b", "c"]

  • Date: 'column' 'date' > 2022-01-01 and 'column' 'date' < 2023-01-01

  • Number: 'column' 'number' > 0

Single quotes

Columns and attribute columns are always enclosed by a single quote, such as 'product'. For example, 'product' in [...] and 'product'.'size' in [...].

For values, use single quotes to enclose hierarchy ids. For example, assuming you have the following hierarchy, (id, value, parent): (a, laptop, c), (b, desktop,c), (c, computers, d), and (d, all,) the following would match:

  • 'product' in ['a'] matches transactions for all laptops.

  • 'product' in ['c'] matches transactions for laptops and desktops.

Double quotes

Use double quotes to enclose text. For example, if you have 'product' in ["calculator"] would match all transactions for calculators.

Output Unmapped

If you select to enable the Output Unmapped option, any data records not mapped by any rule is included in the output with empty values for the rule columns.


Sales Planning Integrations offers the following types of calculation operators to use in your formulas:





Filters data based on the specified conditions. Use to combine multiple conditions.

('segment' in ["asset management"] and 'region' in [...] and 'state' in [...] and 'product' in [...])


Filters data based on the specified conditions. Use to combine multiple conditions.

('segment' in ["asset management"] and 'region' in [...] and 'state' in [...] and 'product' in [...]) or ('segment' in ["insurance"] and 'region' in [...] and 'state' in [...] and 'product' in [...])

Usage example

Sort your transactional data into your hierarchy based on the hierarchy definitions and rules. In this example, you want to assign all sales in your transactional data to the proper geography so the sales person can get the proper commission for the sale.

In your activity data set, you have the columns geography, product and date sold, this would read as someone in Toronto, Ontario purchased a Macbook on February 1, 2022. The following is an example of a transactional activity data set with the product type, date sold and geography the product was sold in.


In the hierarchy data set, you have the territories and where each territory rolls up in to. For example, Toronto rolls up into Ontario, which rolls up to Canada. The following is an example of a hierarchy containing geographical hierarchy rules:


In the rules data set, you have the values and definition for each defined territory. The following is an example of the rules data set:


Based on the transactional activity, hierarchy and rules, the sale of the Macbook in Toronto would be put into geo [1], which is TER01. The credit for the sale would go to that territory grouping.

Row Viewer


Use the Row viewer to preview and create specific columns for your numbers or dates.

Row Viewer is a preview into your data, supporting 500-plus columns, that is always available in your pipe. Use the row viewer to create specific columns for your numbers or dates.

  1. Data tab: Displays information from you data set within the Row viewer.

  2. Stats tab: Displays statistics about your data set.

  3. Tool tab: Toggle between your data set and a tool in your pipe to see new insights.


    This tab is only available with certain data science tools, such as the Predictor, Classifier, and Regressor tools.

  4. Data profile: Display deeper dive into your data set, including column details, correlation and column comparison charts.

  5. Formatting: Arrange your data to your needs with choosing to Modify columns in front, or Preserve native column order.

  6. Download: Save a local copy of your data.

Row viewer format

The Row viewer is a versatile tool to use for your data set.

You can format multiple columns at the same time, simply use the Shift key to select the columns that you want to format.

You can see the total number of rows in your data without counting or opening up the data set with the count on the bottom of the Row viewer.

All data inherits the formatting, either from the data import into Sales Planning Integrations, or if you choose to apply a new format. The filtering option indicates in blue that the filtering is applied. Any new tools that you add in the pipe inherts this format.


Formatting does not carry over to the raw data or appear in the downloaded version (CSV, PDF, PNG) of your data.

The following tools can change the column type, but do not inherit the row viewer from other tools:

  • Adapt

  • Change Type

  • Date Format

You can use reset format to set your data or dates back to the original format.

New columns, default formatting

The following tools add new columns to your data, and come with the default formatting:

  • Moving Average Forecast

  • Forecast

  • Aggregate

  • Binning

  • Combination Matcher

  • Date Add

  • Date Aggregate

  • Formula

  • Quantile

  • Segmentation

  • Classifier

  • Regressor

  • Predictor

  • Running Total/Average

  • Weighted Average

Some tools create a new column called Probability, which is shown as a percentage and has no decimal places.

Numeric Format

Apply the following formats to the rows in your data column:

Table 37. Numeric Format




Removes the applied formatting.


Adds a dollar sign to the specific column.


Adds a percentage sign to the specific column.

Decimal places

Increase or decrease the number of decimal places.


With decimal places, the formatting skips blank rows and starts formatting at the first number in the data.

You can also toggle the 1000's separator on and off.


Calculations with the following five operators generate the output format based on priority:

  • +

  • -

  • *

  • /

  • %

For example, currency > regular number > percentage. If number one is currency and number two is a percentage, number one multiplied by two outputs the currency. If the two operands are set with the same decimal place, the decimal place remains. If the operands are both set with thousand separators, the separators remain. If this is not the case, the decimal places and thousand separators are ignored.

Date Format

There are five date format options to choose from:

Table 38. Date Format



Short Date


Long Date

Monday, January 24, 2001


12:00 AM

Full Date and Time

21-01-24 12:00 AM

Short Month

Jan 2021

Creating charts from the pipe builder

Use charts to explore your data in visual form. Once you create charts, you can add them to a dashboard. This helps you organize your charts and create visual representations of your data.


You can view your dashboards from the Dashboards tab. See, Dashboards.

  1. On the Planning cycles home page, click the planning cycle to open.

  2. Click the Command center icon Screen_Shot_2021-10-04_at_5_40_21_PM.png.

  3. Under the Admin section, click Integrations.

  4. Click the Build and visualize tab.

  5. Click an existing pipe to open the pipe builder, or create a new pipe.

  6. Click Charts.

  7. Click Create charts.

  8. Configure the chart:

    1. Click Untitled to name the chart.

    2. On the Setup tab, configure the following fields:


      Depending on the chart type, there will be more fields to configure. These fields are extra to the ones mentioned in the following table.




      Select the tool that you want to use for the chart.


      Select the data that you want to see, such as preview or last built.

      Chart type

      Select the type of chart that you want to use. Choose from line, area, column, bar, pie, scatter, map, table, histogram, combo, candlestick, radar, waterfall, forecast, sankey, heatmap, and boxplot charts.

    3. Configure the fields specific to your chart type. This usually involves selecting the columns to use when creating your chart.

    4. On the Customize tab, configure the following settings:


      Not all of these settings are available for all chart types.



      Chart and axis titles

      Select the options that you want to include, Include chart title, Include chart subtitle, and Include horizontal axis title.

      Horizontal axis label angle

      Select the angle from 0 to 90 degrees.

      Include vertical axis title

      Select if you want to include a vertical axis title. If yes, give the axis a title.

      Vertical axis label angle

      Select the angle from 0 to 90 degrees.

      Left margin, Right margin, Top margin, Bottom margin

      Select the margin spacing for the left, right, top and bottom margins.


      Select the colours for your chart. Use the color picker or input a hex or RGBA number.


      Select Include legend to add a legend.


      Select the position for the legend. Choose from bottom left, bottom center, bottom right, middle left, middle right, top left, top center or top right.



Put your data in a visual form with one of our many charts.

We have a variety of charts for you to explore or for you to share your data in visual form.



Put your data in a visual form with one of our many charts.

Sales Planning Integrations has a variety of charts to explore or share your data in visual form.

Which chart should I use?

The type of visualization you choose depends on what kind of data you have, what questions you want to answer, and how you want to present your insights.


If you use the Row Viewer Format , the formatting applies to your charts. The new format is immediately active after you choose it.

Here are some suggested charts you might use to answer different questions.

Sales Planning Integrations has many options to show changes to values over time. If you're looking to show data broken down by sub-groups, try out a stacked area step line chart. If you want to show irregularities in changes over time, use a step line chart.

How do I show the total value of data broken down by sub-groups?

Both stacked area step line charts and stacked area smooth line charts show a starting set of values, and then use shading to show values above that starting set.

How do I show trends based on the distribution of values?

To understand the frequency of values, use a histogram. To show the frequency of events within a group, use a boxplot.

How do I forecast future changes to my dataset?

A forecasting chart displays the actual historical values, fitted historical values, predicted future values, and the shaded confidence interval. You can use this visualization with any tool in Sales Planning Integrations.

How do I show the cumulative effects of values?

A waterfall chart can help you understand what variables affect your predictions, as well as the cumulative effects of values. Waterfall charts are often used to show changes in revenue across two periods of time.

How do I show how qualitative data points compare to one another?

Radar charts can be helpful for showing budgets.

Use these charts to show ranked values or the relative value of different grouped categories.

How do I show how different groupings relate to one another?

Use these charts when you want to show how the proportion of different groupings relates to one another.

How do I show geographical data?

Use maps to show spatial data and scatter maps to show precise locations on a map.

How do I show a correlation between variables?

Scatter plots are good for exploring relationships between two variables.

How do I show price movements?

A candlestick chart shows price movements for a security, derivative, or currency.

How do I show how values map between two categories?

A Sankey diagram shows how sets of values flow from one another.

How do I show a concentration of events?

A heat map uses color to show how a variable is clustered or occurs most frequently.

Customize chart visualizations


Customize chart visualizations to suit your visual needs.

Sales Planning Integrations has a variety of visualizations to explore or share your data in chart form. You can customize charts to suit your visual needs.

Customizing chart visualizations
  1. In Sales Planning Integrations, go to the Pipes page and select a pipe.

  2. On the toolbar, click the Chart button.


    If you don't have any charts created, click Create Chart. After you create your chart, you can customize it.

  3. Go to the Customize tab and select any of the following options to customize your chart:

    Table 39. Customization options



    Chart and title axis

    Include the chart title, subtitle, horizontal and vertical axis titles. You can angle the horizontal and vertical axis titles to any angle, such as a 45-degree angle. Change the left, right, top or bottom margins.


    Use the color picker to customize the color of your data. You can also add effects such as gradient or shadows for bubble and bubble single axis charts.


    Include a legend for your data and choose the position, such as top, middle or bottom and place it in the center, right, or left.

Area line


Use to show magnitude or change over time.

An area chart is similar to a line chart, but with shaded areas between the line and the axis.


When to use this tool

Use when you want to show magnitude or change over time.

Area smooth line


Use to show magnitude or change over time.

An area smooth line is similar to an area line, but with the lines between data points smoothed out.


When to use this tool

Use when you want to show magnitude or change over time.

Area step line


Use to show magnitude or change over time.

The area step line is similar to the area line, but with vertical and horiztonal lines between data points instead of straight lines.


When to use this tool

Use when you want to show magnitude or change over time.



Use to show the relative value of different grouped categories or to show ranked values.

A column chart shows data represented by horizontal rectangular bars. The length of the rectangle is proportional to the value it represents.



For vertical bars, use a column chart.

When to use this tool

Use this chart to show the relative value of different grouped categories or to show ranked values.

Stacked bar


Use to show the relative value of different grouped categories or to show ranked values.

A stacked bar chart shows data represented by horizontal rectangular bars with comparative values stacked on top of each other.


The length of the rectangle is proportional to the value it represents. Each group is represented by two or more horizontal bars.

When to use this tool

Use this chart to show the relative value of different grouped categories or to show ranked values.

If some of your categories contain negative values, use a standard bar chart instead.


In this example, we want to show revenue for different products in two locations.

Each bar shows the difference in revenue between both locations for each product. But we can also see the total revenue for each product by using this chart.




Use to show the frequency of events within a group.

A boxplot is a distribution chart that represents groups of data by using quartiles.


Each box shows the middle quartiles of the data set. The "whiskers" show the remaining quartiles of the data set. Outliers (if you choose to include them) appear as points outside of the box and whisker plot.

When to use this tool

Use this chart when you want to show the frequency of events within a group.



Use when you want to show magnitude.

A bubble chart shows three dimensions of data.


Each bubble represents a data point with 3 variables. Variable 1 and variable 2 determines the bubble's location on the horizontal and vertical axis. Variable 3 determines the bubble's size.

A bubble chart is similar to a scatter plot where a third variable is added to determine the size of the bubbles.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to show magnitude.

Bubble Single-Axis


Use to show data in a linear form.

A bubble single-axis chart shows data in a linear form.

Bubble single-axis chart

When to use this tool

Use a categorical variable for the Y-axis, such as day of the week. The X-axis can be any type of ordinal variable. Choose a numeric variable for setting the size of the bubbles that appear in the chart.

You can sort this chart by the X-axis values in either ascending or descending order.



A candlestick chart shows price movements for a security, derivative, or currency.

A candlestick chart shows price movements for a security, derivative, or currency.


Each "candlestick" shows a piece of information for that day. The "body" shows the open and close price. The "candle wick" shows the high and low price.

When to use this tool

Use a candlestick chart if you need to show price movements.



A column chart shows represented by vertical rectangular bars.

A column chart shows data represented by vertical rectangular bars.



For horizontal bars, use a bar chart.

The length of the rectangle is proportional to the value it represents.

When to use this tool

Use this chart to show the relative value of different grouped categories or to show ranked values.



A combo chart lets you display multiple data insights on the same chart.

A combo chart lets you display multiple data insights on the same chart. Customize each selected graph as needed.

You can combine these graph types:


When to use this tool

Use this chart to visually highlight the differences between data sets.



Use the doughnut chart to show how the proportion of different groupings relate to one another.

A doughnut chart shows proportions of values in a data set.


When to use this tool

Use when you want to show how the proportion of different groupings relate to one another.

If you have a lot of slices, pie charts can be difficult to read. Other charts that show proportional values include bar charts and box plots.



Use to forecast future changes to your dataset.

A forecasting chart is a line chart that displays:

  • Actual historical values

  • Fitted historical values (calculated by Sales Planning Integrations)

  • Predicted future values (calculated by Sales Planning Integrations)

  • Shaded confidence interval


You can use this visualization with any tool in Sales Planning Integrations.


When to use this tool

Use when you want to forecast future changes to your dataset.



A heatmap uses color to show how a variable is clustered or occurs most frequently.

A heatmap uses color to show how a variable is clustered or occurs most frequently.

A median aggregation is selected by default. You can configure the aggregation from the Configure bar:

  • Sum: the total value of the column.

  • Median: the middle value of the column.

  • Count: the number of rows that are in the column.

  • Max: the highest value in the column.

  • Min: the lowest value in the column.


When to use this tool

Use when you want to reveal patterns or show the concentration of events.



A histogram shows a distribution of values.

A histogram shows a distribution of values.


A histogram is like a column chart, as both count the frequency of values.


To quickly add a histogram: in the Add tool window, start typing "histogram" and press tab to auto-complete. Then start typing the name of the column and press tab to auto-complete. You'll see a histogram with those values without needing to configure it.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to count the occurrences of values in a column.



Use when you want to show a magnitude or change over time.

A line chart shows information as a series of data points connected by a line.


When to use this tool

Use when you want to show magnitude or change over time.



Use when you want to show spatial data.

A map is a spatial chart that shows location.


To create a map, your data set must include some geographic data.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to show spatial data.

Nested pie


Use nested pie charts to show an entire hierarchical data in a snapshot.

A nested pie chart is a hierarchical pie chart showing the proportions of values in a data set. The inner pie represents categories, while the outer ring represents sub-categories.


When to use this tool

Use nested pie charts when you want to show an entire hierarchical data in a snapshot. Nested pie charts can be used to show various data types like:

  • Organization hierarchies

  • Multi-tiered data

  • Interlinked tree data

  • Categorial breakup



Use the pie chart to show how the proportion of different groupings relate to one another.

A pie chart shows proportions of values in a data set.


When to use this tool

Use when you want to show how the proportion of different groupings relate to one another.

If you have a lot of slices, pie charts can be difficult to read. Other charts that show proportional values include bar charts and box plots.


In this example, we use a pie chart to show the breakdown of men versus women working in a company.




Use the radar chart to show how qualitative data points compare to one another.

A radar chart shows 3 or more variables represented on an axis starting from the same point.


When to use this tool

Use this chart to show how qualitative data points compare to one another.


Radar charts can be helpful for showing budgets.



Use a Sankey chart when visualizing the flow between sets of values.

A Sankey chart is great to use when visualizing the flow between sets of values. A more complex Sankey will have multiple levels. To build a Sankey chart in Sales Planning Integrations, we require the following pieces of information:

  • From - First column of the Sankey chart

  • To - Final column of the Sankey chart

  • Value - Numerical


To create a Sankey diagram, you need to have data segmented into categories.


You cannot create a Sankey diagram with cyclical values. The From and To fields cannot contain the same values if they would flow into each other. Put another way, if a value would flow from one category into the same category, this will cause an error.

When to use this tool

Use a Sankey diagram when you want to show how values map between two categories.


You could use a Sankey chart to show how budget categories flow into different departments. This is a simple example with only a few categories, but you can use Sankey diagrams to show complex value flows. Our example data set looks like this:


Budget (in thousands)






































When we create a Sankey diagram using this data, we can show how each department's budget flows into the different categories. We can easily see which departments are spending the most in each category and how much of our total budget each category represents.


Creating a Sankey diagram with more than 2 columns


When creating a Sankey diagram with more than 2 columns, it is helpful to do some planning in advance, and consider how to organize your data set.

For example, below is a sample data set. Investigate and think about how A flows to B, and then B to C. Map and write that down before listing the ribbons below A.

Table 40. Sample sankey data set





































This data set illustrates this Sankey diagram:


Troubleshooting Sankey diagrams

If you're having trouble creating a Sankey diagram, it could be because you have cyclical values in your data set.

The easiest way to create a Sankey diagram without errors is to ensure you have distinct values for each category. The categories you define are used in the From and To fields when you configure the visualization.

Let's look at this example data set:


Budget (in thousands)







































In this sample data set, we do not currently have distinct categories. We are using HR as a category in both the Department column and the Type column. If we try to create a Sankey diagram with these values, we'll get an error.

Trying to configure a Sankey diagram with cyclical values results in this error: Data cannot have cycle between From and To values.

We can fix this by using the Replace tool to change the HR value to a different value in one of the columns.

Use the Replace tool to change the HR value to Personnel in the Type column.

With this change, we can now successfully create a Sankey diagram.

With distinct values, we can successfully configure a Sankey diagram. The configuration is: the From field is Department, the To field is Type, and the Value field is Budget.



Use a scatter plot to show correlation between two variables.

A scatter plot uses coordinates to show values for two (or more) variables in a data set.


Each point represents one value, where the position on the horizontal and vertical axis are determined by two variables.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to show correlation between two variables. Use caution when showing correlation - remember, correlation does not equal causation. Good for exploring relationships rather than drawing conclusions.


You could use a scatter plot to show the link between someone's lung capacity (variable one) and how long they can hold their breath (variable two).

Smooth line


Use a smooth line chat when you want to show magnitude or change over time.

Similar to a line chart, but with the lines between data points smoothed out.


When to use this tool

Use when you want to show magnitude or change over time.

Stacked area line


Use a stacked area line chart to show the total value of some data broken down by sub-groups.

A stacked area line is a type of area chart that shows connected data points with comparative values stacked on top of each other.


This chart shows a starting set of values, and then uses shading to show values above the starting values.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to show the total value of some data broken down by sub-groups.

Stacked area smooth line


Use the stacked area smooth line to show the total value of some data broken down by sub-groups.

A stacked area smooth line is similar to the stacked area line, but with the connecting line between data points smoothed out.


This chart shows a starting set of values, and then uses shading to show values above the starting values.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to show the total value of some data broken down by sub-groups.

Stacked area step line


Use the stacked area step line to show the total value of some data broken down by sub-groups.

A stacked area step line is similar to the stacked area line, but with vertical and horizontal lines between data points instead of straight lines.


This chart shows a starting set of values, and then uses shading to show values above the starting values.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to show the total value of some data broken down by sub-groups.

Step lines are useful particularly when you want to show irregularities in changes over time.

Stacked column


Use the stacked column chart to show the relative value of different grouped categories or to show ranked values.

A stacked column chart shows data represented by vertical rectangular bars with comparative values stacked on top of each other.


Each group is represented by two or more vertical bars. The length of the rectangle is proportional to the value it represents.

When to use this tool

Use this chart to show the relative value of different grouped categories or to show ranked values.

If some of your categories contain negative values, use a standard column chart instead.


In this example, we want to show revenue for different products in two locations.

Each bar shows the difference in revenue between both locations for each product. But we can also see the total revenue for each product by using this chart.


Step line


Use the step line chart when you want to show magnitude or change over time.

A step line chart is a line chart, but with each point connected by vertical and horizontal lines instead of straight points.


When to use this tool

Use when you want to show magnitude or change over time.

Step lines are useful particularly when you want to show irregularities in changes over time.

Scatter map


Use a scatter map to show precise locations on a map.

A scatter map is a type of spatial map that shows precise locations on a map.


If you don't need to show precise locations, you can use the general map visualization.

When to use this tool

Use when you want to show precise locations on a map.



Use the table chart when you want to add tabular data to your chart dashboard.

A table is an arrangement of information or data in columns and rows.


You can customize each selected column in the Customize tab.

When to use this tool

Use table when you want to add tabular data, such as opportunity scores and seller leaderboard, to your chart dashboard.



Use the waterfall chart to help you understand cumulative effects of values.

A waterfall chart shows an initial value and final value with floating intermediate values that affect the initial value positively or negatively.


When to use this tool

A waterfall chart can help you understand cumulative effects of values.

Waterfall charts are commonly used to show changes in revenue across two periods of time.

Creating dashboards from the pipe builder

Dashboards help you organize your charts. If you have created charts for your pipe, you can create a dashboard for them directly from the pipe builder.


You can also create dashboards from the Dashboards tab. See, Dashboards.

  1. On the Planning cycles home page, click the planning cycle to open.

  2. Click the Command center icon Screen_Shot_2021-10-04_at_5_40_21_PM.png.

  3. Under the Admin section, click Integrations.

  4. Click the Build and visualize tab.

  5. Click an existing pipe to open the pipe builder.

  6. Click Charts.

  7. Click All charts.

    This option is only available if you have already created charts for this pipe.

  8. Do one of the following:

    • Click Create dashboard from the Dashboards section.

      This is only available if you haven't created any dashboards for this pipe yet.

    • Click the + Create new drop-down and select Create dashboard.

  9. Click Untitled to name the dashboard.

  10. Click Edit dashboard to add charts to your dashboard.

  11. Select the charts to add to your dashboard, and then click Edit.

  12. Click the edit icon edit.png to add more charts or to add filters to your dashboard.

  13. Click the chart icon chart--column.svg to add more charts to your dashboard.

  14. Click the filter icon filter.svg to add a filter.

  15. Click the X icon to exit edit mode.

    Your dashboard is now ready.


You can also add notes to individual charts. From your dashboard, click on the ellipses next to the chart you'd like to add notes to, then click View chart. A side panel will appear beside the selected chart for your notes.

Resizing a dashboard

With your dashboard set up, you can change the layout of your charts by resizing them.

  1. Go to the selected chart.

  2. Click the bottom right-hand corner of the tile and drag the corner of the tile to resize the tile into the desired size.

Rearranging a dashboard

With your dashboard set up, you can change the layout of your charts by rearranging them.

  1. Click the title of the selected chart.

  2. Drag the chart to your desired location.