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Importing seller assignment files

You can import sellers for each territory in your battle card. This lets you assign sellers in bulk, rather than doing it one at a time for each territory.

Before you import your seller assignment data, make sure that you've completed the following tasks:

  1. On the Planning cycles homepage, click the planning cycle to open.

  2. Click the Territory view.

  3. On the battle card canvas, select the battle card where you want to import seller assignments.

  4. In the data tray, click the Seller assignment tab.

  5. Click the Import icon document--import.svg, and then click Import seller assignments.

  6. Drop or upload your pre-formatted CSV file.

  7. Click document--import.svg Import.


    If your file matches the required column headings exactly, we'll automatically match columns and publish your file. If your column headings vary from the required columns' spelling or syntax, you will need to complete steps 8 to 11 to match your columns.

  8. Click Next.

  9. Click Automatch to match the required column headings to the headings in your file.

  10. Manually select the corresponding column header name for any column that was not automatically matched.

    1. Click the drop-down chevron--down.svg icon next to a column that hasn't been matched.

      A list of required columns displays.

    2. Select the column name that corresponds with the data column in your file.

      For example, your file may have a column called Ownership, but this data is identified as Ownership Percentage in Varicent Sales Planning. In this case, you would match the Ownership Percentage required column to the Ownership column in your file.

    3. Repeat steps a an b until all columns are matched.

  11. Click document--import.svg Import.