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Managing account quotas

You can manage your account distribution and account quotas after the start of your planning cycle in the manage version.

The Account quota table in the data tray provides a list of all of your accounts and shows you the territories they're currently included in. You can filter the list by territory group type. For example, if you select Customer accounts from the drop-down, you will only see accounts included in territories that belong to the Customer accounts territory group type. If you select Geographies, you will only see accounts included in territories that belong to the Geographies territory group type. These accounts are initially sorted into your territories when you import your activity data, attach it to a battle card, and run coin sort.

From the Account quota table, you can schedule moves for your accounts. This means that you can move an account from one territory to another and schedule dates when this move takes effect. This lets you manage your account distribution throughout the course of the planning cycle. For example, if a senior seller is on vacation or leave, you may want to temporarily move their account to another territory that has a sales team with the resources to handle the account.

When you schedule a move, rows are added under your accounts to show your scheduled moves and all past moves from the original territory. You can click the expand icon chevron--right.png on an account row to view these moves.

When you schedule a move, you can simulatenously define how the quota for the account will be reallocated within the territories its being moved within. For example, if Account 1 is moved from its original Territory A with an effective date of start of January to end of December to Territory B starting July to end of December, you want to ensure that your territory quotas for both territories reflect the change in overall quota that this account move causes.You have several options to handle the quota changes such as pro-rating the quota amount based on effective dates, moving quotas in full or preserving the existing quota.