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Manage tables

The Manage tables section of the Integrations page stores the data you've imported into Varicent Sales Planning.


Currently, you can only manage activity data from the Manage tables section.

Activity tables

Activity tables contain the historical data about your organization's sales activities that you've imported into Varicent Sales Planning. Once you import your activity data, you can assign this data to battle cards, and then run coin sort to sort individual sales activities into your territories.

You can import your activity data directly from a CSV file or use the Integrations tools to import and transform your data.

Your tables are sorted into two categories, published and unpublished. Only published tables can be assigned to battle cards. If your activity data is unpublished, this means something went wrong during your import. You can click the row in the unpublished table to access your data. Match the columns in your data to required column headings and then try publishing again.

Importing activity data from CSV files

You import your activity files from the Tables section of the Data page. It's then available as a data table. Once you import your files, you can assign them to the relevant battle card, and then run coin sort to sort your sales activities into your territories.

Before you import your activity data, make sure that you've completed the following tasks:

  • Import data to your built-in hierarchies and create and import data to any custom hierarchies

  • Add any custom fields, based on historical data, to the default or battle card quota sheet

  • Download the activity file template and follow the steps to format your data

  1. On the Planning cycles home page, click the planning cycle to open.

  2. Click the Command center icon Screen_Shot_2021-10-04_at_5_40_21_PM.png.

  3. Under the Admin section, click Integrations.

  4. Click the Mange tables tab.

  5. Click Import.

  6. Click Upload from .csv file.

  7. Drop or upload your pre-formatted CSV file.

  8. Click document--import.svgImport.


    If your file matches the required column headings exactly, we'll automatically match columns and publish your file. If your column headings vary from the required columns' spelling or syntax, you will need to complete steps 9 to 12 to match your columns.

  9. Click Next.

  10. Click Automatch to match the required column headings to the headings in your file.

  11. Manually select the corresponding column header name for any column that was not automatically matched.

    1. Click the drop-down chevron--down.svg icon next to a column that hasn't been matched.

      A list of required columns displays.

    2. Select the column name that corresponds with the data column in your file.

      For example, your file may have a column called Accounts, but this data is identified as Customer Accounts in Varicent Sales Planning. In this case, you would match the Customer Accounts required column to the Accounts column in your file.

    3. Repeat steps a an b until all columns are matched.

  12. Click document--import.svgImport.

Lookup tables

Two lookup tables are included in Varicent Sales Planning by default. These are the Seasonality and Ramp tables.

  • Seasonality - use this table to create seasonality schedules that break up your quota based on seasonal trends. For example, you can break up your quota to allocate greater amounts of quota during seasons when market demand is highest and lower amounts when season demands are lowest.

  • Ramp - use this table to create ramp schedules that break up your quota based on a seller's onboarding plan. For example, you can set a schedule to allocate a lower percent of quota when your seller starts and then you can gradually increase this quota percent throughout the months of your seller's effective dates until they reach full productivity.

When you reference a schedule that you created in one of these lookup tables, we take the information input in your schedule and we use it to calculate a new output value in your monthly quota breakdowns. For example, if you apply a seasonality schedule that is an even split, meaning all months in your planning cycle receive the same amount of quota, we'll divide your quota evenly across the months in your planning cycle.

Adding seasonality schedules

You can add rows to the seasonality table to create as many seasonality schedules as needed. A schedule called Even split is included by default. This allocates quota evenly across every month in your planning cycle and is the equivalent of setting no seasonality schedule.

Once you've created your schedules, you will have the option to apply them to your territories. When you apply a schedule, we'll automatically calculate quota targets for each month in your planning cycle, within your territories' effective dates.

  1. On the Planning cycles home page, click the planning cycle to open.

  2. Click the Command center icon .

  3. Under the Admin section, click Integrations.

  4. Click the Manage tables tab.

  5. Click Lookup from the left-side panel.

  6. Click the Seasonality table.

  7. Double-click into the empty row at the top of the table to edit.

  8. Type a name for the new seasonality schedule.

  9. Enter a value for each month.


    Month 1 is the first month in your planning cycle, not necessarily January.

  10. Click the save icon checkmark.svg to save your schedule.


    The monthly values for your schedule must equal 100%. If your schedule is above or below 100%, you will see an error message asking you to adjust your schedule.

Editing seasonality schedules

You can edit your existing seasonality schedules to adjust the monthly quota percents allocated to certain months.

  1. On the Planning cycles home page, click the planning cycle to open.

  2. Click the Command center icon .

  3. Under the Admin section, click Data.

  4. Click the Tables tab.

  5. Click Lookup from the left-side panel.

  6. Click the Seasonality table.

  7. Double-click into the seasonality schedule row that you want to edit.

  8. Edit the name of the seasonality schedule, if required.

  9. Edit the values for each month.


    Month 1 is the first month in your planning cycle, not necessarily January.

  10. Click the save icon checkmark.svg to save your schedule.


    The monthly values for your schedule must equal 100%. If your schedule is above or below 100%, you will see an error message asking you to adjust your schedule.

Adding ramp schedules

You can add rows to the ramp table to add as many ramp schedules as needed. A schedule called No ramp is included by default. This allocates 100% of seller quota for every month in your planning cycle and means your sellers are at peak productivity. It's the equivalent of setting no ramp schedule at all.

Once you've created your schedules, you can apply them to your seller assignments. When you apply a schedule, we'll automatically calculate seller quota targets for each month in your planning cycle, within your sellers' effective dates.

  1. On the Planning cycles home page, click the planning cycle to open.

  2. Click the Command center icon .

  3. Under the Admin section, click intergrations.

  4. Click the Manage tables tab.

  5. Click Lookup from the left-side panel.

  6. Click the Ramp table.

  7. Double-click into the empty row at the top of the table to edit.

  8. Type a name for the new ramp schedule.

  9. Enter a value for each month.


    Month 1 is the first month in your planning cycle, not necessarily January.

  10. Click the save icon checkmark.svg to save your schedule.


    Every month in your ramp schedule must have a value between 0 and 100 percent.

Editing ramp schedules

You can edit your existing ramp schedules to adjust the monthly quota percents allocated to certain months.

  1. On the Planning cycles home page, click the planning cycle to open.

  2. Click the Command center icon .

  3. Under the Admin section, click Data.

  4. Click the Tables tab.

  5. Click Lookup from the left-side panel.

  6. Click the Ramp table.

  7. Double-click into the ramp schedule row that you want to edit.

  8. Edit the name of the ramp schedule, if required.

  9. Edit the values for each month.


    Month 1 is the first month in your planning cycle, not necessarily January.

  10. Click the save icon checkmark.svg to save your schedule.


    Every month in your ramp schedule must have a value between 0 and 100 percent.