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Quota approval workflows

The quota approval workflow feature allows for collaboration across your organization. When you start a quota approval workflow for your planning cycle, contributors are able to log in to Varicent Sales Planning and access the planning cycle. They see a specific contributor view based on their assigned battle card, territory group type, or territory group. A contributor will only be able to view quota allocations and make adjustments for territories that they own. For example, if a contributor owns a battle card, that contributor can view quota allocations for all territory groups and territories within that battle card. If a contributor owns a territory group, then that contributor will only be able to view quota allocations for the territories within that territory group.

The quota approval workflow is designed to follow your organizational structure. Battle cards contain territory group types, which in turn contain territory groups. This means that the battle card owner is responsible for all territory group types and territory groups contained within that battle card. The quota workflow starts from the bottom up. After the Varicent Sales Planning administrator initiates the workflow, the territory group owners are prompted to access the planning cycle and review quota allocations for the territories within their territory group. Once they make their adjustments and submit their changes, the workflow moves up the organizational ladder and the territory group type owner is prompted to approve or reject the changes. Think of it this way, a sales manager adjusts quota for their territories, and then their manager, the sales director, approves or rejects these changes. From the sales director, the workflow can next move to the VP of sales. In this way, you can make sure that your organization's leadership team has full visibility and final say about quota planning.