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Reviewing important terms

Here's a quick reference of common terms we use when talking about Varicent Sales Planning. If you need a little bit more, we've also included links to more in depth documentation.



Relevant documentation


An individual sales transaction. You can import data about your historical sales activities into Varicent Sales Planning, and then sort them into relevant territories. This provides insight when territory planning and allocating quotas.

Read Activity files


A role in Varicent Sales Planning. Users with this role have full access to the planning cycle.

Read Inviting users as administrators or contributors

Battle card

A unit of your sales organization. Create a set of battle cards to divide your organization into manageable pieces. These battle cards contain your territory group types, territory groups, and territories.

Read Battle cards

Coin sort

A tool available in Varicent Sales Planning that takes your sales activities and sorts them into territories based on your defined order of precedence (hierarchy structure) and territory rules.

Read Coin sort


A role in Varicent Sales Planning. Users with this role have limited access to the planning cycle when a territory or quota workflow is in progress.

Read Inviting users as administrators or contributors

Customer accounts

An individual customer account that your organization sells to. You can import information about your customer accounts to the Customer accounts hierarchy.

Read Importing hierarchy files to the Customer Accounts hierarchy

Custom field

A field added to your default quota sheet. You can add a custom field to track any metric important to your organization.

Read Sheets

Default quota sheet

A template that defines all the fields that display in the Quota sheet table. It contains built-in fields, such as prior year actual, and custom fields. It impacts the every battle card in the planning cycle.

Read Sheets


An individual geographic region where your sales team is active. You can add standard Geographies hierarchy data for the countries your organization sells to or plans to sell to.

Standard Geographies hierarchy data


A structured list that your organization uses to create territory rules and then sort sales activities into territories. Customer accounts and Geographies are built-in hierarchies, but you can also add custom hierarchy data, for example, if you divide your territories by product or industry.

Read Hierarchies and Hierarchy files

Hierarchy member

An individual unit of your hierarchy data, for example a single customer account or geographic zip code. Include or exclude hierarchy members from your territory rules to build your territories and define which sales activities are sorted into it.

Read Hierarchies


The override functionality allows users to pull accounts into a territory when those accounts fall outside of the  territory’s base rule configuration.

Read Adding override rules to territories


A user assigned to a battle card, territory group type, or territory group. The owner manages the territories and sellers within their battle card, territory group type, or territory group. Owners often have the contributor role, which means they contribute to territory and quota planning when workflows are in progress. This type of user is typically a sales manager or director.

Read Adding battle cards and Adding territory groups

Planning cycle

A version of your organization's sales deployment model, which is generally active over a calendar year, fiscal year, or time period.

Read Planning cycles


A future sales goal that is assigned to a seller, a team of sellers, or a territory.

Read Quota planning

Quota component

A distinct area of your organization's business. You can add quota components to plan for different areas of your business, such as hardware, software, and services, using the same sales deployment model.

Read Quota components


How long it takes your sellers to go from new hires to full productivity. Create and apply ramp schedules to break up seller quota based on your seller's onboarding plan.

Read Adding ramp schedules


A scenario is one of several versions of your planning cycle. Each scenario can have a different configuration based on different buisness environments.

Read Scenario planning


Predictable data changes that occur every calendar year. Create and apply seasonality schedules to break up your quota throughout your planning cycle based on seasonal trends.

Read Adding seasonality schedules


An instance of your organization within Varicent Sales Planning. A tenant contains your organization's planning cycles. Most organizations will have only one tenant.

Read Admin panel


The smallest unit of a sales organization that a sales person or team can own.

Read Territory planning

Territory group

A group that contains territories. It is used to organize your territories into logical chucks. The owner assigned to the territory group oversees all territories within the group and manages the sellers assigned to those territories.

Read Defining territory groups

Territory group type

A classification of territory groups that is defined for each battle card. It references a hierarchy such as Customer Accounts or Geographies. Multiple territory group types can be defined for a battle card and ranked in order of precedence. When you run coin sort, activities are sorted into territories within the territory group type according to the highest precedence.

Read Adding battle cards and Coin sort

Sales deployment model

A fully realized scenario for your organization's sales strategy over the course of the planning cycle. This consists of your battle card layout, your quota components, and your territory breakdown.

Read Getting started


A sales person in your organization that is assigned to a territory.

Read Seller assignments


A feature in Varicent Sales Planning that allows contributors to access the planning cycle and provide feedback about territory or quota planning.

Read Territory workflows and Quota approval workflowsTerritory workflows